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Ceres Beau.

"Thank you for driving me to work and dropping off the kids, but you do know I could've done it myself right." I mention as Hugh parks by what was a semi construction site. "I know but I like your car, it's flashy, and I wanted you to spill on what happened last night with Gavin and why he was suddenly gone this morning." He asserted and I sighed, of course he wanted the tea. "Nothing happened, we just talked, and this morning he got a call from St. Maine, one of his restaurants there had an accident of some sort so they needed him over there, he said he'll be back as soon as he could, which could be any time." I explained trying hard not to show how this abrupt leave of Gavin's was affecting me.

"Look at you, already sulking like a lovesick housewife, he'll be back soon and besides don't you have work to do and a birthday to plan plus that side plan of yours." He replied and I nodded to each one of those things, I indeed had a lot on my plate which would take my mind off him, until he was back and we sort out whatever is going on between us. "You're right, —he'll be back, as for right now, I've got a new company to tackle." I reassure and reaffirm myself with a smile as Hugh happily chuckles next to me. "Now that's more like it, I've got errands to run in the city, I'll pick you up in an hour." He stated pressing a kiss to my forehead and I just smiled with a nod.

"I'll see you in an hour." I told him as my assistant Maya came up to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for me. "Morning Maya." I greeted her but I had already lost her, she was mesmerized by Hugh, if only she could accept he had two husbands, the thought made me chuckle as I turned her away from my brother and onto me. "You okay?" I question again as she clears her throat and smooths out non existent wrinkles on her shirt with a blush on her cheeks. "Yeah, —good morning sir." She finally replies and I chuckle heading towards the main doors of the building. "The upper floors have all been completely refurbished as to your specific design, the lower floors are almost complete aswell, a mister Roswell called to confirm your lunch meeting." Maya as professional as ever informed me as I went through the building and looked over the documents she had for me.

"He's been begging me to get an investment in Beau cosmetics, but since I declined and he found out about this project he's determined to chip in, maybe I might consider it for the right offer, —what do you think?" I asked Maya who hummed. "Respectfully sir, I don't think he would be a good investor, he's a good businessman but telecommunications is not his forte, he might make a good investment but in the long term he wouldn't be much help considering his financial record aswell." Maya replied as we dodged several construction workers handling building material. "I had the same thought, Derek had the same thoughts aswell, so it's decided." I exclaimed and she nodded with a smile.

Despite how unfocused she may seem at times which was rare, Maya was extremely good at what she did, and I was grooming her to become COO at some point so having her handle a much bigger workload was a sure way to know that she was ready for it. "Any word from our consultant?" I asked and my assistant clearly knew I was asking about Deklan. "Yes, I scheduled a meeting with him at two, last one for the day." She stated stiffly, goodness she hated that man but it was founded, Deklan didn't exactly give off a good charm and with what I knew about him, my tolerance of him was only justified because I wanted to use him. "That's fine, thank you Maya, it seems we have progress, mondays are never this good." I mused making her chuckle.

"Indeed boss." She reaffirmed as we finished our tour of the building from the top floor where the boards meeting room, the ceo's and coo's offices were to the basement, everything seemed to be in perfect order. "We should have an unveiling in two weeks, as scheduled sir." The head contractor informed me as we stood in front of KleinTech, my son's legacy or my daughter's or even Harry's, I can never tell with their growth but as for right now, I was securing their future  that's all that mattered, my children. "Thanks Tanner, you've done an amazing job yet again." I assert and he scoffs gaining my attention. "I'm the one who should be grateful boss, all my teams are grateful, the men and women who work for my company, if not for you, your father and family we wouldn't have a livelihood, so we will do our work with diligence knowing you've got our intrest at heart." He replied earning an awe from Maya.

I didn't have words for Tanner, I only nodded with a smile as I side hugged him then said my goodbye as he wanted to get back to work. "Where to now boss?" Maya exclaims as a car I wasn't familiar with parked by the visitors lot near KleinTech, I held my breath surprised to see who it was, I wondered how he knew I was here, had he been following me or had his friend followed me. "Ceres." Drake called out shaking me out of my stupor. "Whoa this is gorgeous." Craig Talbert his friends asserts as they walk forward, but I wasn't paying attention to him, my eyes were locked on to the man who had broken my heart to pieces, left me without a second thought after so many years of marriage, of triumphs and happiness, to nothing.

I had always thought I would be angry, or I would lash out, but I wasn't, rather my heart beat steadily as if he didn't matter anymore, I wasn't fully healed of the scars, the heartache, I still had days where I thought of calling him out of habit and just have idle chat, —though it wasn't as severe since Klein had taken a habit of doing it, Tyrell constantly blew up my phone as if he didn't have a job, Gavin aside from his worktrip I knew would be back to take up a lot of space in my life as if he was my fourth child, I didn't miss him as much if not any, my heart wasn't his and the finger where our wedding rings used to be, was now just like the rest, creamy coloured skin not even the slightest mark of it ever being there.

"Say something." He muttered once the gap was closed. "Hello Drake, —you look good." I stated with a slight smile. "Uh, thanks, listen I wanted to talk." He mentioned and my brows lifted. "We are right now aren't we—." I asserted and he chuckled. "That's not what I meant, — privately maybe over dinner or something." He again tries but I had no desire to sit at a table and pretend with Drake, we were done and over with, there was nothing to talk about. "Im sorry, I really don't have the time." I quickly exclaimed flipping some of my curls back and away from my face which seemed to cause a reaction. "Damn." I heard Craig mutter in the background.

"Ceres please, just an innocent dinner, I won't do anything stupid." He begged but I wasn't going to cave in. "I'm sorry Drake, I just don't have the time, if it's important send me a message or something, —I've got to go." I asserted with an apologetic smile turning away from him but he quickly grabbed my arm, the action was familiar and it brought back a flash flood of memories but I suppressed them, I wasn't weak anymore, I was much better than the person I was before. "Klein's birthday, can I come?" He exclaimed and I held back a scoff, now he cares about my son, what of all the disappointed moments he's had, full of unfulfilled promises.

"First let go of my arm, and secondly that's Klein's decision, I'll ask him and pass on the response." I told him as he reluctantly let go, deflated by my words. "Oh, —ofcourse." He sighed. "Sir, your eleven o'clock." Maya reminded just as my car, familiar in it's flashiness being driven by Hugh parked close to us, he came out looking like your regular macho dude only he looked pissed. "It was nice seeing you again Ceres." Craig spoke up now standing next to Drake. "I'm not walking away Craig, he was once my family." I knew Drake's statement was aimed at Hugh who came up to us. "Why are you in sun getting sun burnt entertaining rats?" He demanded looking at me fondly then glaring at Drake.

"Walk away Drake, I won't tell you twice not to come near him." That was Hugh, one warning was all you got. "With all due respect Hugh, this is between me and —." Before he could finish his arguement Drake was on the ground holding his cheek, Hugh didn't stop as he kicked him over the ribs, then his shoulder multiple time, I'm sure he got hurt with those hits. "Don't you ever say that statement ever again, or else I'll do worse!" Hugh hissed as his boot met Drake's head, I knew not to intervene, ever, as he turned away from my bleeding ex husband. "Ceres, Maya, car now." He ordered and both my assistant and I did not hesitate for a second to do as told. A part of me wanted to know if he was okay but Drake had brought this on himself, I couldn't do anything about it, as Hugh drove away seeming as if he hadn't just beat up a man to a pulp.

something about

Saint Jay.

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