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Ceres Beau.

I was incredibly numb if that is what I could call it, how and why, one reason, that came in the form of a man with a cock between his legs that would make gods and porn stars alike blush in envy. It had also inevitably been the weapon to numb me.

Gavin and I had gone all night, not by any figurative means, we had literally just taken two or an hour rest for breaks and then we were at it again until I finally gave out, the man I loved was a bull, I could not compete with his stamina, I had tried but I failed.

"Hey beautiful, you gonna get out of there soon, breakfast is done." Gavin muttered taking a seat on the edge of the bathtub with a small smile. "How are you feeling?" He mutters innocently and I narrow my eyes on him to convey my feelings over that particular question. "In my defense, you pleaded for more, I gave more." He argued with raised hands and all I could do was blush.

"I don't even know what got into me." I confessed lightly  "Well that's easy, I did." He chortled and all I wanted was to blush and hide. "Gavin." I whined much to his amusement. "You can't seriously be shy now, you had some serious moves last night and this morning, I never thought reverse cowgirl could be that good." He admits and in that moment I just buried myself in the water.

"Kill me now." I grumbled. "I'll never tell anyone that you're a little freak in the bedroom, its for me to know and enjoy, promise and besides, I love you like that." His confession to loving me wasn't knew, but now it held a deeper meaning, one that I knew we both felt and after last night, it was hard to deny that Gavin and I were just right for each other.

"Gavin, last night was the most amazing night ever." I finally tell him and he gives me a wide beautiful smile that had my heart pounding for some reason, how deep and how hard had I fallen for this man so quickly, I couldn't say we hadn't known each other for long, we had but the truth had never come to light that we both had these feelings for each other, feelings that I'm starting to realize now, had been deeper than we ever thought.

"I love you, and I will never hurt you, unless I'm biting you during sex;" He pauses with a chuckle when I whine. "You're as precious as a little virgin but you're no virgin." He jokes and I smack his bicep eliciting more laughter.

"What I'm trying to say, is that I will never hurt you, I know we have a lot of things to plan out but I know we'll make it work, I'm your man and you can always count on that because I just don't love you, I'm in love with you." Gavin confessed as tears pooled in my eyes, I ignored the sting of pain between my almost jello legs and pushed forward to kiss him.

"I'm in love with you too, I won't deny that I'm a little scared about all this but one thing is for sure, I would rather have you as my man, face everything knowing I have you by my side, nobody else because I know you have my heart and you'll keep it safe." I murmed my response back between our panting partially separated bodies.

"I've always wanted to hear you claim me." He chortled. "You're a weird man." I shot back as we both laughed. "Well I'm glad I'm your weird man then." Gavin stated happily. "Honestly, I'm glad too, I can't and could never handle you being anyone else's, ever." I tell him pressing my lips onto his again, before things got heated again we separated.

"Come, the kids will get antsy." Gavin informed me before helping me out of the draining bathtub, with a bathrobe on I left the bathroom with my man in tow, that felt really good. "Morning dad." Both Klein and Harry mutter at the same time whilst Harry held a happy Lola next to him. "Dad!" She shrieked in absolute happiness and it made coo.

"My baby." I cooed taking her into my arms. "Okay boys lets go get the trays, your father here suggested we have breakfast right here." Gavin announced and I was skeptical seeing as the sheets were filled with remnants from last night and this morning. "I cleaned up when you were in the bath." He whispered in my ears before leaving, he had known what I was thinking without words, it was so like Gavin.

"Baby girl, how did you sleep?" I asked my daughter. "Good, look what papa Gav gave me." She held out her small hand to show me the bracelet that had been clipped there, it was just the right size so it wouldn't fall off and it wouldn't hurt her skin. "Wow papa Gav gave you this, its beautiful." I praised the bracelet and she squealed in absolute delight.

I talked more with my daughter, finding more  characteristics that she and I shared, I could also see traces of my mother and father there too, and it gave me a lot of happiness just being able to talk to her like this, she was growing up so fast and I was grateful to watch it all, be there for all her milestones. "I love you baby." I muttered placing a kiss on her forehead. "Love you too daddy." She giggled back.

My life in that moment felt complete as Gavin and the boys brought in breakfast, they were beaming with smiles and Gavin was laughing, it had been so long that I had actually seen his eyes glimmer like that, I wanted to keep that smile on his face, that joy in his heart forever. "Breakfast is served, we're all taking turns to feed your dad." Gavin announced and I looked at him with a surprised look on my face.

"It's come to my attention that we haven't been appreciating him enough for everything he's been doing, so today we spoil him rotten, its his day!" Gavin announced and all three of my children cheered with him and all I could do was accept Klein stuffing pancakes in my mouth, Harry pouring honey in there too, it wasn't as disgusting as I thought it would be. "Thank you." I mouthed toward Gavin who just held my hand.

"Anything for you sugar bunny." He says with a smile as we turned our attention back to the kids and the breakfast that was filled with happiness, a happiness I knew I deserved after so long, after so much pain, I knew that this was my second chance to have joy and I would clutch at it with both hands.

"That was beautiful thank you." I tell Gavin as we lay on our bed, something I thought I'd never say so early on. "Well I knew you needed it and besides, if I could, we would have breakfast like that everyday." He answered and the idea didn't seem so far fetched. "Then why don't we, you can be here always, we can have about three more kids, that's about the amount this bed can handle;" We both laughed as Gavin held me closer to his chest.

"I am serious though, Harry already lives here." I asserted and Gavin silenced me with a kiss. "If you're done trying to convince me, may I say something?" He asks and I nod. "I wasn't planning on going back to my house, there is nothing there for me anymore, you're right, Harry is here already here, all I need to do is pack up and live here, with my family." He explained and I lifted my head to look at him.

"So you'll;" I paused and he nodded. "And we can have sex anytime we want?" I asked eliciting a surprised chuckle from Gavin. "You eager little thing but yes sugar bunny, we'll have sex anytime you want, I'll be here with you." He reassured me and I tried to hug him whilst simultaneously shaking in happiness.

"Oh you're precious." Gavin laughed holding me close and placing a kiss in my hair. No one could blame me for being so excited, for once everything was falling into place. "I have to get back soon sugar bunny, the sooner I'm done in St Maine, the quicker I'm back here, to do everything you want." Gavin explained and it didn't dampen my mood as much, I knew he would come back to me.

"So before you have to go back, can I touch it?" I asked shyly, rising from our position. "Well you'll have to do more than touch it bunny." He huskily responded and I quickly moved to lock the door. "Better be quick then, kids will be up for dinner soon." Gavin urged as I pulled down his sweatpants. "Okay." I tell him and the rest were grunts and moans.

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