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Gavin Price

It was just like him, to not spend a dime unless it was necessary, but then he met my mother and he changed, now I wonder if he was still the same man after losing her in that accident, it shouldn't have been her, he always says it, our mother should've survived.

So I sighed walking up the pristine steps of the porch which led to the front door, so many beautiful memories flood my mind as I trace my fingers on the door to my childhood home.

"Gavin you're here!" Her voice suddenly cuts through my nostalgia and I smile toward her. "Grace, how are you?" I received her in my arms almost immediately and she hums in content, so do I. "Look at you little brother, you're huge." She praises caressing my cheeks and patting my biceps.

"Everyone is gonna flip when they they see you." She laughs happily leading me inside, I wasn't so cheerful, I wasn't so happy though, ever since I broke away from my family, from the family business things had taken a turn, we had drifted, even more so with our father.

"How is the franchise going?" Grace asks as we find ourselves in the kitchen where my two nephews immediately engulf me in an embrace. "Uncle Gav, you're —whoa, how are you so huge." Noah the oldest gawks whilst his brother just clings to me.

Honestly I didn't see how I'd grown, sure I was taller but the way everyone described it, it was as if I was a mountain now, though I wasn't self conscious about it, Ceres kind of loved it so points for me I guess, aslong as he was good with it, I didn't mind at all.

"Stop your exaggeration." I chide Noah who chuckles stepping away with his brother. "I did tell you, everyone remembers you looking small, barely filled out, without any muscle, and now;" Grace pauses. "You're a freaking giant, Gavvy boy!" That would be the oldest Price son. "Glenn, hey." I chuckled giving him a half sided hug.

"Look at you, you look great, must be that friend of yours taking care of you, he was always doting on you." Glenn mentions and I find his description of Ceres somehow disarming, telling them what we were now wouldn't be so bad.

"How is Ceres Beau, heard he's now a big shot CEO." Ah, that would be Gina, my other sister and Grace's twin, she was never fond of Ceres ever since we were kids, she always claimed Ceres was pretentious but her scorn literally fueled my need to get closer to Ceres, in a way I was thankful about her weird aversion of him, I wouldn't be so happy.

"He's doing good for himself and our kids, that's nothing bad." I defended which had the kitchen noise coming to a standstill. "Our kids?" My father, accompanied by Gianni the second born son of our family questions and I knew it was now or never.

"Dad, well everyone its why I asked all of you to come over for breakfast before I left for St Maine, I wanted to tell that Ceres and I are together, together." I announced and Grace was the first one to make any action which was squealing accompanied by her sons. "I knew it, I knew it, I told you lot so many times, I can't believe it, I'm so happy!" She squealed even more coming to hug me.

I relished in the warmth of her acceptance of this coming out of sorts and I was grateful for it. "So you're gay now." Gianni mumbled with a hint of disgust on his  face. "Does it matter, just look at him, he looks happy and well taken care of, I don't care who he loves, as long as he's happy, congratulations little brother!" Glenn argued whilst wrapping me in his arms and I felt relief.

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