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"I believe in your dreams I do but right now it's just not right, we aren't financially stable and my dad has been putting pressure on me to find new clients and expand, I don't have time." He apologized as he came over and kissed my cheek, then kissed our baby girl's forehead, she was starting to babble now. I understand, I always understood, we needed stability and besides I had everything, I could wait a bit on my dreams. "It's fine, we can talk about it some other time." I accepted and he smiled walking toward the door grabbing his coat.

"I have an emergency meeting, I'll be home in time for dinner." He promised placing a kiss on my lips, and the faint scent of another perfume on his person way too close to his neck alarmed me but I was just being paranoid, he probably just hugged someone with a strong perfume. "Alright drive safely." I told him with a hug goodbye as Klein walked down the stairs. "Is that pops leaving dad?" He asked and I nodded. "Emergency meeting. " I added and he groaned. "He promised he'd be home, he lied." The outburst from my son wasn't new, the anger and hurt was.

I should've seen the signs.

Ceres Beau.

The feeling you get when you're happy with where you are in life, I had that feeling and honestly I was happy with where my life was. "See all done, can Harry and I go play now?" Klein asserted and I nodded, the two rascals immediately got up and ran to the den, Gavin had set up the large tv in there meaning they had an even bigger screen to get addicted to. "Come on baby girl, let's get some air." Gavin immediately muttered, he knew I was about to pin this latest debacle on him.

He and Lolita giggled walking away and soon enough they weren't in ear shot. "How sure are you that, —that man isn't in any form gay, or the least bit a curious straight man." Tyrell finally spoke up after his silent watching. "I have no idea, ever since I've known him, he's always been straight,  had a wife and a kid, raved about girls here and there never as loudly though, Tyrell if this is about me being in a relationship with him, he might be curious great, I won't lose him to a failed relationship, I just can't, so I'd rather we stay the closest friends possible, he's my rock and I can't have that rock leaving me." I stated calmly and he smiled.

"You've matured, —really matured, so I won't press on about this, it's your decision and I believe for now, I'll let you see it through, on another subject how are the kids, you are glowing I can tell." He chortled and I couldn't help chuckle. "As you can see they are adjusting well, it's honestly remarkable how far they've come in accepting what happened." I told him and he hummed. "It wasn't an easy transition, especially when you wouldn't let any of us help you, Kol wanted to rip Drake's head off, never mention my husband with his knives, and be grateful Mel only knew after it was finalized." He replied and I shivered, they would've torn my ex husband to pieces after all that happened.

"I'm glad I had you there to keep them at bay." I sighed and he quirked a brow. "You still think they don't want his head, don't kid yourself, they're only being nice because you're finally pursuing your dreams, building what I can accept as your empire." He acknowledged and I blushed looking away from him but then I had to say it. "Speaking of business, the owner of TechFiend is selling the company, he's old and looking to have his company taken by good hands, he has no male heir and his daughters have no real interest in business, so I told him I'd think over his offer, I want to buy it, make it a telecommunications company this side of the city and expand, KleinTech, for my son, so that he grows up with a legacy of his own." I explained and baited my breath for Tyrrell's reaction.

Why I was so nervous, Tyrell was the equivalent of my father, my mother entrusted my well being to him, it's why he's still hung up on what happened with Drake, and so his charge included my whole extended family by default, they love me and my children unconditionally and for my actual company Beau Cosmetics to be what it is now was because of them, and him. "Don't you already have a company?" He asked and I nodded. "Yes, but it basically self runs itself now, with Gavin at the helm, I want to do this so my son and daughter won't ever have to depend on anyone to be financially stable." I argued and Tyrell snickered.

"Your children will be financially stable until they've died, so will you, they each have a trust fund with millions, your father has yours with a billion, and before you ask yes we know, Drake Will left you with nothing, he didn't even have a trust fund with a dime for his children, and when your divorce was finalized I got a notice from the bank that your trust fund account was active meaning you were dependant on that money to survive, which meant only one thing, you got nothing from your marriage except my beautiful nephew and niece." He hissed and all I could do was look at the table, I couldn't defend myself or Drake, I had been stupid, I was stupid, to believe Drake had a future in mind for us or our kids, Tyrell was right, he left them with nothing, walked away and didn't even care if we had anything to eat.

"It may seem harsh what I'm saying but love, you must understand that it's the truth, and accept it, that man was and is just like his father, have you ever asked yourself why this sudden cheating scandal happened?" Tyrell asked and I shook my head, he had cheated what other reason was there. "Your prenup agreement stated that if you and Drake were together past ten years, it would be nullified, you were on your ninth year, two months away from your ten year anniversary and suddenly Drake cheats, and his father is the one that alerts you of it." He concluded and it made sense in my head right then. "If it had been ten years then everything would be divided in half and I'd get shares in the company." I choked out and Tyrell nodded.

"I'm sorry, but that's the truth." He whispered coming over to me and hugged me, I needed that hug more than anything. Drake had done a number on me, now learning there was even more motive behind our divorce, it hurt, it truly hurt and I hated how it hurt, why would he even do this, why put me through any of it. It hurt.

"There there sweetheart, sometimes love goes like that, it's not all it's made out to be, and it fucking hurts." He comforted as I cried in his arms, I just wanted to stop hurting maybe I would, and I know I was in the process, one day I'd be okay, I'd love myself until then. "I'm okay." I whispered pulling away from my cousin and he wiped away my tears with those ridiculously large hands but it was warranted he was a large man himself.

"I'll help you go through with the process of buying the company, Kol's dad has experience with jump-starting companies and turning them into world class businesses, so you'll have a consultant, the family is here for you and we'll all invest in your dreams so that it remains in the company without outside shareholders." He exclaimed and my heart beat a little faster I knew there was a catch. "But, you need to stop blaming yourself for Drake's mistakes, you'll actually allow us in to help you and if you have any problems, you tell me or my husbands, or Peyton and Kol, you won't touch your trust fund, unless it's absolutely necessary." He laid out his terms and I nodded vigorously, I would agree to any terms if it meant I could have my dream.

"Good, just email me everything and I'll sort it out." He added and I jumped to hug him.."Thank you, thank you, —thank you so much." I repeated over and over again and he just chuckled holding me tight in his arms. "It's what family and older brothers do Ceres, because you are loved, and you are enough." He reassured and I nodded squeezing his neck again."Now how about you make me that famous ice cream and waffle desert." He asserted and I nodded getting right to it.

There was no perfection to my chaotic life at times but just having my family and my children there with me, perfection wasn't what I aimed for, I wanted happiness, I was striving to get it.

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Saint Jay

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