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Gavin Price.

Have you ever loved someone, loved them so much that you feel their pain, you're happy when they are happy, you can carry their burdens easily because your love for them is nothing that anyone can doubt, that's what I felt for him, whenever I saw him, whenever I breathed in his crazy signature perfume, he was home for me, he was the love of my life.

For a long time I had denied the fact that I may have been bisexual since highschool, well into college, I had those feelings for him and it astounded me that no other man aside from him could catch my eye like that, yes I could appreciate the beauty of other guys but him, he was it, I was Ceresexual, when he fell in love with the idiot Drake Will, I supported him because I didn't want to ruin his happiness, so I just accepted being his friend.

Then I met Samira and for a time things were okay, I loved her but not the way I loved him and at some point she finally saw it, finally realized that I had always been in love with Ceres, she didn't outrightly accuse me of it because I had never cheated on her with him, she just distanced herself until the divorce, I tried to fight for us but I knew I had already lost, and the love of my life was there.

Ceres was there for all my highs and my lows but I could never man up to tell him that the reason why my marriage fell apart was because of him, why I never moved on to another person, I was waiting for him to finally see it, and when shit hit the fan, I hated that I was happy about his break up with Drake, but I finally had my shot, I could finally be the man in his life, the only one and I would be damned if I would let anyone else take that spot.

So I kept myself close, but also a bit distant, I knew the way in which to entice Ceres, I knew how to seduce him, how to win an argument with him, I knew everything about him, so I was patient but then Samira beat me to it and revealed my secret, I thought he would run for the hills after that realization, any sane person would and for just a tiny moment he considered running but it was running away, he came to me and I couldn't have been more overjoyed.

Ceres was my whole life, everything I worked for, everything I did, wasn't just for our kids, it was so that I could proudly stand by his side and say he was mine, he didn't just take my son into his home and treat him just like Klein, he took me into his home aswell, cleaned me up, fed me, he took care of me and I would always want to take care of him, he deserved everything after what happened to him and I knew I was going to try my best to give him that everything and no man would stand in my way.

His kids were my own, and at some point our families would be united, I wanted to grow old with Ceres, be with him till death did us part and maybe I wouldn't propose now but I had made up my mind, there was only one person for me in this life, only one man for me that was Ceres Beau, the only true love of my life.

"What do you think dad is getting for me?" Klein asks as we walk into Elyons, it was a breakfast, lunch and dinner on the go joint that my friend Elyon and I had started up together, he had actually grown from owning just one restaurant to three more across the south side, of course he still hated the fact that I had franchised all around North City and St Maine, soon I would be going for Louisville or Sydney falls but I needed approval from a certain someone to do those projects, so I would settle for expansion in St Maine for now.

"I don't know buddy, hard to say since you've got almost everything." I chuckled ruffling his hair as we sat down. A waiter immediately came of with a high chair for Lola. "There you go baby girl, papa's got you." I tickle her and she giggles before playing with a ball attached to the chair. "Dad, I told him he should just wait for the surprise." Harry tries to wisely put across and Klein glares at him.

"Its not about waiting, its about knowing if I should actually be surprised, I know it not a car, I'm too young to drive and I know its not a new phone, dad already bought those for us, and its not new Jordans either." Klein mulled over his options whilst I just chuckled, our kids were spoilt but Ceres did well to keep them humble.

"So the fact that papa Gav is here, is doing nothing to stop you from thinking about your presents and focus on the large breakfast buffet I just ordered for us." I interjected into the conversation between my sons. "Wait what, dad never lets us order the buffet." Klein exclaimed in surprise. "Its your birthday." I smirked toward Klein with a wink and he did a little dance with Harry, fist bumping each other as the food came.

"Ignore the idiots baby girl, we'll have a tea party." I tell Lola bringing her closer to me. "Toast and honey." I offered it to her and she squealed. "Love honey!" She happily giggled. "I know baby girl, just like your dad." I chuckled as I continued to play and observe my kids, I had never thought I would have a family this big but I was sure Ceres and I could add one or two more to this rowdy bunch.

"This is so good." Harry muttered chewing loudly. "This is very good." Klein supported eating just like a pig, like his best friend, because it was Klein's birthday I had no heart to reprimand the two from going wild and shoving breakfast sausages down their throats like that and besides Ceres was the strict one, I had to be the fun stern one. "Piggies." Lola pointed to the two. "Yes sweetie, they are eating like pigs." Ceres suddenly answered standing behind the high chair.

I had told him where we were, I hadn't expected him so soon, so I scrambled to my feet. "Hey baby." I chuckled trying to hide my guilt on not restraining the boys, he only smiled and bent to my left and looked at the boys who had sauce smears all over their faces. "Hey dad." Both chuckled nervously. "Be very glad today is your birthday." Ceres asserts finally turning back to me. "You gonna kiss me or what?" He asks and I didn't hesitate to grab his chin and kiss him.

It was slow and gentle, I couldn't exactly go full throttle  with the kids present. "Yay daddy kisses!" Lola squealed after we separated. "Happy?" I asked Ceres. "Very." He answered with a mischievous smile. "So boys what's up?" He says when I offer him a seat but the boys are just stuck and it dawns on me, we hadn't had the talk. "Are you and uncle Gav now a couple dad?" Klein asked Ceres and he nodded immediately.

"We get to be brothers for real now!" Harry suddenly exclaimed loudly shocking me as he and Klein hugged. "That went in a whole different direction, I thought we would need to put out a fire or two." I whispered toward Ceres who smacked my bicep lightly whilst he laughed. "Okay what do you mean you get to be brothers?" Ceres asked with a quirked brow.

"Well uncle Hugh said if you and uncle Gav were a couple then it would make us brothers and Lola wouldn't just be my sister, Harry's too, we even made a video to say congratulations." Both boys give the explanation in turns with Harry handing his phone to Ceres, the video was a compilation of photos and videos of the times Ceres and I were together and with the kids. "Oh boys, I love this." Ceres cooed and I sent a thumbs up to them.

I owed no we owed Hugh Lamont Striker a lot of thank yous for paving the road for us. "Okay, now will you tell us what you got me?" Klein demands. "Nope, eat your food." Ceres shuts him down and I snicker. "At least tell us what you're getting Harry next month then." The kid argued. "That is not happening, now eat up or you're actually getting nothing and leave my baby Harry's name out of your arguments." Ceres asserted playfully and I could see the happiness shine in my son's eyes, he knew this was where he belonged, where we both belonged.

"I'm your baby too." Klein whined. "I know, but you're the oldest, you get to pamper everyone else with me." That alone had Klein satisfied and the other two kids grinning, what a family.

Something About

FINALLY, I have revealed Gavin Price, how I have waited for you to meet him, absolutely love him.

Saint Jay

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