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Ceres Beau.

"I mean who drunk dials someone at past midnight, in the night, there is something wrong with that." Derek seethed in anger whilst his words went to Mel on the other side who was laughing. "Sorry they ruined your sleep Dee, I'll send you something to pamper yourself okay?" Mel promised and almost immediately my friend was cheery again. "Awe, thanks Mel, love you so much." Derek giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is handling children plus Kol all on my own." Peyton also on the line whined. "Ugh, why are you complaining, you do it all the time." I retorted and I could've sworn Peyton hissed back. "You have no idea how much of a baby Kol is being lately, its like he's trying to protest my idea of another kid later." Peyton sighed and I could relate to his struggle. "Sorry Peyton, I'm sure I can convince either one of my husbands to stay over." Mel replied in concern.

"Nope, don't worry about it, I dragged over Murdock and Shawn to come help, the gang is together so no worries, besides we need both your men working to help Ceres here, you have no idea how my father in law is excited at the prospect of espionage, I warned Hugh not to let him near anything that could damage Will permanently." Peyton dramatically put across which had all four us laughing.

"Let the man feel young again." I argued. "It's not about being young cousin, its about the adrenalin of feeling youthful again." Mel wisely put across causing Derek to laugh more wheezing on the floor. "I love you guys so much ha!" He laughed causing us to join in and laugh with him too. "I gotta go I'm sure someone's up and hungry, take care you guys." Peyton stated and we all said a simultaneous goodbye before he cut off the connected call.

"So you ready for tonight?" Mel asked, even if he wasn't looking at us, I could already imagine that protective glint in his eyes that my brothers gave me. "I am, I packed two pocket knives, pepper spray so concentrated that it could blind a man for a day, handcuffs and my gauntlets." Derek proudly spoke up and I had my jaw dropped. "What's wrong with you?" I say in utter shock.

"What, we're going to the devil's lair, ain't no way I'm going in there without a weapon on me." Derek sassed back making Mel chuckle. "I see you're well prepared, just make sure security is there at the house before you leave okay, I aslo had Tyrell place a few more men around the area and some with the kids, if you're going to be away, I'd rather you know they are safe, I'm not discounting your dad's ability to protect them of course." Mel explained and my heart swelled with love at the gesture of thoughtfulness.

"Thank you Mel, for everything." I tell him and he snickered. "You're family Ceres, and family is always there for each other, now go to that dinner and own it." He asserts. "Thanks again and I will." I tell him. "Good, I gotta go, bye and Derek, definitely fuck up someone." And with that he was off the call with me in slight shock and Derek was doing a happy dance in the lounge. "I have weird friends and even weirder family." I muttered with Derek laughing and hoisting me up to my feet, we had to get ready.

"Formal dinner so I'm thinking red suit, black shirt, maroon bow tie, shiny black shoe." Derek stated laying out his outfit before dropping the towel around his waist in the spacious closet and beginning to change, we were both beyond comfortable with each other at this point to feel self conscious about my body or his. "You've packed in more muscle, that protein bar regiment I gave you is working." I commented and he nods happily.

"You have a lotta ass boo, I can't believe Drake left all that booty, but I swear Gavin ain't gon leave that, I bet you he's gonna tap that jello round ass till you're like spent." He comments back and I couldn't help the laughter that came from me, only Derek could reassure me, comfort me, shame my ex husband and praise my potentially new boyfriend in one go, its why I loved him, it wasn't just the street smarts, he was intelligent and a lot of people underestimated him because of it, it's what drew me to him, because I saw something kindred.

"Why thank you my good sir who will be bendin' over for Craig Talbert soon." I teased and he spanked me. "Hey its true!" I protested. "Oh I know its true, but I couldn't resist that beautiful ass and also I was practising for when I do it with Craig." He mentions and I facepalm. "I did not need to know that." I groaned grabbing the red pigeon toe heels I was wearing with the black loose pants and over sized blazer. "Yes I know and yet I tell you along with a lot of other things, damn you're wearing that, I swear you're baiting Drake to pounce and I stab him, I'm good with that." Derek exclaimed and I'm horrified.

"We both know you're not about to overreact." He says before I say anything and I just groan. "Something is wrong with the people I love." I mutter in a whisper. "I heard that and I'm snitching!" Derek calls back from behind me where he was getting cufflinks from my jewelry cabinet. "Shit." I curse.

We both eventually finish getting ready after I put in the cherry red lipstick on my lips, a full divine feminine look that I loved for myself. Looking how I did felt like armour when going to face Drake's whole family, I didn't know what to expect and didn't know if the night would be cordial, I needed for it to be more than civil so that I could have Derek snoop around, whilst I played pretend, Rahel Will hadn't realized but he had given me a great opportunity to move forward with my plans.

So I would play this pretend game with him until I had the means to take him down, I just hoped whatever I would do, I could accomplish it before Gavin came back home, I needed to have a clean and clear slate with him and bringing baggage from my marriage wasn't something I was okay with, he was my best friend with the potential for more mow, I had no intention of ruining it, I wouldn't.

So in the spirit of getting it over with I looked out to the Will manor, the whole time I had been stuck in my thoughts gathering myself, Derek had been speeding through the city and out to the rich people neighborhood where the manor was, now it seemed like an imposing figure, looming over me, but it didn't consume me or scare me off with its grandeur, it just seemed like overcompensation in a way.

My children were perfectly fine, Gavin was thousands of miles away in another city he was fine, Hugh and Tyrell were putting the plan into motion, I needed tonight to go without a hitch because my son was born exactly a few hours away the next day, I also needed to make sure his party was flawless, I could only hope Gavin made it back in time, but I know Klein wouldn't be mad if he didn't come, he would wait and Gavin didn't disappoint or I could just send them off to Gavin for a weekend to compensate, no worries.

So I sighed and took Derek's offered hand after the car door lifted itself upward, I was sure he took the Ferrari for nothing more than gloating and showing off. "You ready?" My friend asked and I smiled his way then hooked my arm with his before climbing up the stairs with practised poise. "Friend you look stunning tonight." My friend told me as we stood by the opened door. "Oh mister Will, what a pleasant surprise." The butler was new and definitely used their surname to address me.

"Of course they will make it seem as if their son didn't divorce you." Derek stated and not even lowly. "Terribly sorry about that, when he was hired Rahel didn't take it in stride to inform him of that detail." It was Drake's mother, who replied. "How convenient." My friend sneered. "Derek." I warned. "It's alright Ceres, he's quite justified in his anger." Dana corrected and I sighed.

"I see we have other guests." I pointed out looking past the large foyer to where I spotted a few of Drake's friends and family members. "Darling look whose here." Dana called out to Drake and that set me off but I reigned myself in, he wanted to make a move toward me but his father beat him to it. "Simply divine in black diamonds." He praised me. "Thank you, you got me here, satisfied." I answer back and he smirked. "Not yet but you're on the right track, and this is—." He responded holding out his hand to Derek.

"Derek Stevens." My friend muttered and I'll be danned to say I saw lust in the old man's eyes, it rolled off him when he shook Derek's hand. "Wow, charming young man, come then, you two will stay by me, after all where would priceless jewels be." He exclaimed and I wanted to gag, how was he so conceited. "Hey Ceres." Drake spoke behind us and I turned to face him, he looked like he was teetering on the edge and I felt no remorse.

"Not now Drake." His father bit out. "No, you can wait father." He hissed, and I was impressed it indeed looked like the night would be interesting.

Something About

Saint Jay

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