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Ceres Beau.

To understand the inner workings of man who thinks he's got you hooked on him like a drug wasn't as hard as it may seem, —with the certain kind of pride and ego he displayed, a certain non chalant behavioural trait about him that wasn't as well hidden as he thought.

Deklan was like any typical rich playboy, driven by money, lust and the need to be the biggest man in the room, unfortunately for him I came from a family that was dedicated to cutting down men and women like him, so as he spoke about the development of KleinTech whilst edging closer to give the faintest touch to my hand, —I knew.

As he looked at me with moon eyes that seemed to shine when he looked at me, I could see through it, his body language alone was a mastered art to seduce, —if only he knew that all I felt was repulsion, in any case Gavin was what I was attracted to, all 6'6 of him and like Derek had mentioned earlier, hung to which I was sure Deklan was not, he was trying to compensate too much. "So in conclusion, I think we're on the right track, the budget you had drawn up was actually accurate in every way." He complimented and I smiled slightly hoping it didn't show how not so genuine it was.

"Thank you Deklan, it means so much, —I'll admit I had never thought telecommunications could be my forte but it seems I'm getting the hang of it." I admitted with a chuckle as he smiled too. "And I'm truly impressed, no one would be gutsy enough to do this but you did, —which is a really attractive quality." He responds and dare I say it again, I could see through that statement, it was going to lead somewhere that wasn't business. "So where is your lovely assistant, you two are rarely apart." He asserts and I chuckle feigning slight embarrassment.

"Maya had work to do, so I left her at the office, —if I had known you were rather interested in her, I would've brought her along." I cast my bait in that statement, crossing my fingers he didn't disappoint. "Oh I'm actually glad it's you and me, I wouldn't have dared ask what I'm about to ask next." He exclaimed and I raised my eyebrows in anticipation. "Which is?" I questioned.

"Dinner,—together." He stated and there it was. "Are you asking me on a date?" I rebuffed. "Yes."

"I don't think that would be wise, you and I are business associates, I couldn't possibly go on a date with you, business and pleasure don't mix well." I argued and he leaned in closer. "Come on its just dinner, I promise I'll keep my hands to myself." He spoke with a note of sincerity but I didn't believe it.

"I still don't think its a good idea, —maybe next time, when I've come around to the idea. " I suggested and he seemed deflated. "Drinks then." The sudden outburst seemed accompanied with desperation which meant this wasn't his idea alone, there was intention. "How about, I'll think about it." I told him and he nodded eagerly.

"Great, —I'll see you at Beau Co." I muttered getting up to leave and he was quick to get my coat for me. "Thank you." I whispered slipping away from his grasp. Grabbing the coat tighter onto my body as I left the bisto we were in made me feel warm and also safe somehow because I had taken it from Hugh, the weather had suddenly changed after lunch, and he had nothing else to do except pick up the kids later and head home which meant he didn't need it all that much plus I could bet my favourite lipstick that Hugh was immune to the cold, like Tyrell —it was weird.

I fished my phone out of my bag and dialed Gavin, he hadn't called again so what better way to talk to the man who held me than finding him myself and besides the encounter with Deklan left me wanting the reassurance that I had him in my life, which made me wonder if I was feeling guilty of allowing Deklan flirt with me in a way, had I really gotten feelings for Gavin to the extent that I felt guilty for something miniscule such as entertaining Deklan to get to my ex husband's father, wow that really was a lot, I needed to unpack that with Hugh or Derek, maybe both.

"Finally you miss me." His first words and they sent goosebumps everywhere on my body, dammit I needed to control myself. "I— didn't." I refused yet even I noticed how unsure I sounded. "You telling me or trying to convince yourself." Gavin retorted with a chuckle, damn him. "I don't know, fine I missed you, I miss you." I admitted almost whining into my phone.

"I know sugar candy, I miss you more, and I miss my princess." He sighed tiredly and I wondered what he had been up to. "I'm sure she misses you too." I assured and he chuckled into the call. "Listen—." He stated grabbing my attention and I hummed. "The restaurant is okay, I managed to get the insurance company to sort it out.

I even bought a new building which I'm overseeing for a little bit, it's what delayed me also because I met a fellow restaurant owner, —not my direct competition here in St Maine but he has great ideas and wants me to partner up with him on fresh produce supply for our restaurants, I'm sure if you met him you'll like him, so don't worry I'm not overworking, not entirely, I'm eating and drinking my liquids —." He rambled on and paused when I laughed.

"I know you'll probably put me a scale when I come back just to make sure I'm telling the truth." He mumbled further causing me to giggle into my phone. "That could be arranged." I chortled. "You a nasty little bunny." Gavin teased and all the tension I had been feeling was replaced by warmth. "So do I have competition with this new partner of yours, you seem enthralled." I stated and I could've sworn I heard Gavin growl. "Never, —I'm only gay for one man, and I'm fairly sure he knows it too, so to all the others I might just get a tattoo on my neck that says gay for one man." He announced not only shocking me but I was sure he shocked himself to.

"That would be very reassuring mister Price, very." I supported and we both, I could tell were smiling. "So don't worry sugar candy, —there is definitely just one for me, I know we need to have a proper conversation about it, and I'm sure when I'm back, we will." He assured yet again and somehow I just knew I could trust those words. "I'm holding you to that monster X." I teased using his old gamer name. "Oh its like that now huh." He accused as we changed to lighter topics until we both had to get back to work.

Talking to Gavin aside from him having been my closest friend, for so long, was easy, we both knew we had feelings for each other, we both knew what we wanted, there was a certain spark he and I had, —there was never an opportunity to explore it because we were both married to different people and were fully committed to those people until everything went to shit, but things going sideways was the catalyst we needed to find each other and in a way, I was grateful.

So after my short walk, I finally grabbed a cab, went to my office and on arrival Maya was the first one to meet me by the door to my office looking unsettled or rather ready to ring someone's neck, in a way that spoke volumes since very little had Maya emotionally hyped except men she liked or detested. "What's wrong?" I demanded as she opened the door gesturing I see for myself. "Finally!" A boisterous voice announced and I couldn't help feel what Maya had been feeling, how dare he even show his face anywhere near my building.

"Maya call security now." I hissed looking at mister Will, the reason behind a lot of the bad things that happened in my life ever since his son became part of it. "No need to be so brash Ceres, —I came with peaceful intentions." He admits. "Get out or else;" I hissed. "Or else, sweetheart sit down, no need to show your claws, I just came to make ammends, by inviting you to a family dinner this weekend, you and the kids, Drake aswell of course." He exclaimed and I could feel the threat in his statement which had me reigning in my anger, I couldn't afford to be rash with him, —I just needed to outsmart him to get rid of him.

"No, I am not part of your family." I argued. "And neither are my kids, leave us alone, or things will get ugly." I spoke calmly but I could see the reaction to my words in his eyes and his body language, he hadn't expected me to handle him like that, as the security personnel came and escorted him out. "I look forward to our next meeting my love." He smirked before he was finally out of view, and I knew I needed to act before he did.

something about

Saint Jay.

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