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Ceres Beau.

I knew my encounter with Drake's father was sort of a foreboding warning that the waters had been too calm, he was coming to stir up trouble and open up old scars and wounds, I wasn't surprised though, —it was what he was good at to get what he wanted from people and unfortunately for me, I had a tendency to react before I acted which was something I needed to amend, —a work in progress.

So before I left the office, I set my plan in motion, first was hacking the private server at Will's company, any and all information I needed, I knew I would find there, second was to find a way to get into Deklan's home and put several surveillance cameras so I could get any exchange he could be having with mister Will on video, —lastly I knew it was going to anger a lot of people but I was going to attend the dinner, only to my own benefit because I needed to know what he was planning and how to prevent it before anything else happened.

"So that's your plan?" My father asked over our video chat and I shrugged. "It's the only one I got." I muttered as he snickered then his face turned serious. "You do know he's dragging you into whatever this is right, that man never has good intentions." He also adds and I nod knowing how true his statement was.

"It's why I'm telling you what I'm up to because I need backup, remember when we spoke about if on the off chance he targets the kids and tries to battle me for custody or have Drake do it, —I need you to make sure it can't happen, ever." I explained to my dad who hummed with a glint of knowledge in his eyes.

"So you're leaving everything else vulnerable, he won't just come for the kids sweetheart, I bet you he's coming for everything you've built and you can bet a dollar that he'll rope up Drake into this somehow." He exclaims and I already knew that. "I know dad, —in a way Drake is still manipulated by his father, and for a long time I thought it was naivety but Drake allows it and I couldn't understand why, even now." I explained my father laughing on the other end.

"People are different my child, we all function differently, remember he's always been highly dependent on his father, rather his parents, —whereas I always pushed you to make decisions on your own, take regulated risks and most of all, I left you with Tyrell so he could help you when I couldn't, you were never truly dependent on someone else, you were self reliant from a very young age, —dont be so harsh on Drake, even if his decisions are his own, they have absolutely nothing to do with you anymore." My dad explained further causing a snicker to escape my lips.

"You're right, as always." I admitted and he chuckled. "I know, I'll get on with my task to make sure the future is happy for all my children, — be careful sweetheart and before you even ask I'm sending Tyrell over, Mel is still busy in Bridgeton so he couldn't come, Peyton will take care of the kids." He adds and I'm slightly shocked but leave it to my dad to boss everyone around, he was worse than Kol's dad.

"I'll be fine dad, and thank you." I told him as he smiled over the chat. "I know you will, —you're a Beau after all, love you kiddo!" He called out before the call cut which left me smiling.

So I left my office as the door bell rang, I knew it was the delivery guy for the jordans I had ordered from their store, I still needed to replace the last pairs which the boys had destroyed, of course I hadn't thrown them in the trash, I knew someone or rather several people that could repair them and resale them to make a great profit for their charity, so that's where I sent them. Hugh and the kids were in the south side doing something I had no idea about so I left them to it.

"Order for Ceres Beau." The delivery guy exclaimed once I opened the door. "Thank you so much, my boys will be so excited." I chuckled. "Of course that's a top of the line brand, they're lucky." He replied and I nodded taking the large bag, since I had also ordered shoes for Lola, I couldn't leave out my princess, she deserved getting spoiled too. "Sign here." The delivery guy stated and as I did so, a grey camero parked in my driveway. "Nice ride." The man next to me mumbled as he left leaving me giggling by myself, I didn't even need to be told who it was driving the car because I already knew.

"Will you bring your ass over here, this is heavy!" Derek whined loudly as he carried several boxes from the trunk of his car. "What in the world is this, —did you go shopping again?" I accused and he narrowed his eyes on me. "Of course I did, what —did you want me to come here and see my babies without gifts, even you love my gifts." He retorted with sass only Derek could have. "What did we agree on, one gift per child and me." I argued as he waved me off.

"I couldn't pick one especially for Lola, they were all so cute, I couldn't help myself." He admitted as we finally slumped down on the large couch in the living room having carried several boxes into the house, —I knew today my kids were going to have a field day, and Klein's birthday was only a week if not a few days away, which meant this was only the beginning, I had a feeling someone was going to give him an overly extravagant gift, I could just feel it. "Stop being a grouch and open your present, by the way I bought you lace, —so Gavin can give you some love." Derek suggestively wiggled his eyebrows and all I could  do was facepalm.

"What is wrong with you?" I muttered in an exasperated tone. "What, we both know you haven't had any action for so long it's sad." He replied flatly —deflating my little tirade in the process. "It's not sad, its a choice." I argued leaving the lounge and heading up stairs to my bedroom to hide away the box filled with lingerie before anyone else saw it. "It's still sad." Derek muttered leaving a trail of shoes and clothing on our way up, I will never understand this habit, he and Tyrell did it all the time, was my house that comfortable. "Is there any other surprise?" I asked him and he shook his head in refusal.

"Thank goodness, so what did you want to talk about?" I questioned as we left the closet, then my bedroom. "It's admittedly about Craig Talbert, look;" He paused fishing out his phone and showing me a full body naked picture of Craig which had me yet again with a palm on my face. "Hmmm, he's not bad." I mumbled. "Right." Derek supported.

"Wait, —how did you even get that, tell me you didn't hack his phone." I accused causing him to gasp in shock. "No you psycho I asked for it, I told him that's the only way I'd consider his ass if he was right, —in the right places, he's no Gavin but close enough." That statement alone had me groaning.

"I regret the moment you walked in on him in my bedroom." I whispered. "Oh I'm not." He chuckled as we found ourselves in the kitchen with me prepping dinner, a ding sounded off on my phone and Derek was there to check, I had nothing to hide from him which made it weirdly okay if he went through my phone but he never did, —only Gavin and his target was mostly cute pictures of us or the kids, family man alright. "Hugh says he's almost home with the kids and they bought flowers for their grandmother." Derek spoke up and a smile spread across my lips, they had never known my mom, heck I barely knew her but the gesture itself, to me was beautiful.

"Oh by the way, your dad asked me to escort you to dinner this weekend." My friend informed me and I knew this was going to turn into a shit show if Drake's father didn't behavior. "Did he now?" I muttered as Derek smirked. "Yeap, —its going to be awesome." He retorted but I could see unhinged Derek already on the surface, goodness help us all.

something about

I know these are filler chapters but I couldn't rush into it, I needed direction and not just for Ceres and his family but myself too, after not writing for so long.

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Saint Jay

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