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"It's not enough, you have too little intel for it to be anything substantial, Deklan, you have a simple job, get involved in his company, in his life, even with the children." He spat out with a gruff groan.

"I don't care if you'll seduce him, befriend him, even get to some extremes, all I want is a piece, or rather everything he has, I was stupid the first time around with my plans and the prenuptial agreement, I aim to rectify that with you, so help me God Deklan if you can't deliver, I'll find someone who will." His tone was final, and it left no doubt between the lines that he would get ugly if he needed to.

"Its not easy seducing a man with a billion dollar networth and thriving with a multi million company and of course another more promising venture he's being fully funded by family, he won't easily let me in." Deklan argued, his tone showing signs of exhaustion.

"Then find another way to get through, isn't that why you're his consultant, I had to create that opportunity for you from nothing simply because I knew you would deliver, so do that or get out and dont come back without results!" Mister Will hissed, slamming his fist on his desk, out of anger obviously.

"I have done nothing but work my ass off to please you father, I deserve to atleast get some acknowledgement that I have gone above and beyond for your plans unlike Drake, so if you won't give me the respect I so damn well deserve, then you can fuck Ceres yourself!" The revelation was followed by the slamming of a door, probably by Deklan leaving the office.

"Deklan get back here, what will I do with that boy!" The man fumed, his breathing frantic as he seemed to pick up his phone from the desk. "Debra get me Olwin, and tell him I have a contract for him."

The audio stopped playing and Derek faced me with an angry look in his eyes. "I had almost forgotten that the real world has monsters." I joked and he snickered to my statement. "Well you did have a whole five day retreat to be with your man and kids, I'm sure that was plenty for you to satiate your little horny ass." He sassed back and we both laughed.

"I'll admit it was nice, I can't wait for him to come back, though he literally had to pry all four of us off him at five in the morning when he was leaving." I chortled earning more laughter from Derek. "Your family is crazy." He comments. "We never argue otherwise." I muttered absentmindedly.

"But before I can actually have my man back here on a more permanent stay, I need to get rid of Deklan." I say standing up from my office chair and grabbing my stuff and my phone. "I also need to talk to my brothers, I can't do this alone." I add on to my statement and he nods satisfied by my decision.

"So update me on the plan, and be careful, I need to go over to KleinTech and see if our offices are just the way I want them." He announced and I furrowed my brows with narrowed eyes on Derek. "Don't worry, I didn't put a bedroom in there just a closet space and a very very expensive bathroom." He confesses and all I could do was facepalm with a sigh.

"I don't even want to, I'm out." I mutter in exasperation before leaving my office with a text to my brothers about the emergency meeting we needed to have.

Ceres Beau

"You're fired." I exclaim shocking the man opposite me as we sat in one of the vip lounges they had at the particular restaurant he had chosen for our meeting, he had offered his home but I didn't even want to think about the vulnerability I would have exposed myself to, if I had accepted that offer.

"You're kidding right?" Deklan chuckled. "Not at all, Deklan as great as you may be, I can't work with you." I tell him upfront not wanting to say much because I finally knew just how much of a snake he was. "What did you hear, or who told you what?" He demanded with a fury in his eyes.

What hadn't I heard honestly, I knew things about Deklan which I'm sure his father mister Will didn't even know about. I was still trying to wrap my head around him being Drake's brother, and now that I knew it, I could finally see the similarities.

Derek and I had done a deep dive on Deklan, his past and his past affiliations, a lot of people had many horrible things to say about him, one thing stuck out, he was more dangerous than I anticipated and I wouldn't make the mistake of underestimating him by overestimating myself.

It was better to cut him off before he did anything. "I didn't need to hear anything but if you must know, two women approached my assistant and they didn't have good things to say, their names;" He made me pause. "You don't need to tell me their names, I already know, and if they said anything, I know you actually did a thorough check to make sure they weren't lying, I understand Ceres." He muttered in response and the breath I was holding was released

The cover story I had formulated had worked, though it wasn't completely false. "I'm sorry you had to hear about that part of my life from them instead of me, and I truly wish we had more time to talk Ceres, so that you could hear it, but I'm sure you've made up your mind." He asserts looking at the half eaten fish dish he had ordered.

"I'm sorry Deklan, I really did find you intriguing but involving you in my life wouldn't just be bad for me, so I can't." I say sincerely, I needed him out of my life and my business, I didn't want him close, he could hurt my kids, Gavin, or even Derek, I couldn't live with that. "Its alright, maybe if circumstances were different, things might have been different." He answered dejectedly and I nod standing up and grabbing my stuff.

As I leave, he grabs my hand. "Be careful Ceres, Drake might've let you go but his father definitely hasn't, he'll do anything to get his claws into the company and life you've built, make sure he doesn't." He warns me before letting go and leaving me rattled, I wondered why he told me that, but I didn't let it show. "Thanks Deklan." I exclaim before leaving him in the private area.

Outside the warm afternoon breeze hit my skin and I sighed in content, I had done away with one thing now I needed to get over the rest. In the small amount of time I had spent canoodling with Gavin, I realized that I wasn't capable of dragging Deklan along just to get information on mister Will, it felt as if I was betraying not only Gavin but myself, it made me feel dirty.

Its also the reason why I got rid of him, made sure nothing was ever between us because I knew Gavin was fully committed to me and I never wanted to hurt him in any way. He would never hurt me either, and because of that I knew I needed my family more than ever, to fight Drake's father, I needed my brothers.

My phone rang just as the valet came with my car. "How did it go?" Derek asked on the other side of the call. "Great actually, he did take the news more or less okay than I thought he would, though he did give me a creepy warning, nothing we didn't already know." I explained to my close friend who sighed in relief. "That's a relief I guess." He mutters. "Yeah, now onto the hard parts." I mumbled and he just chuckled lowly.

"I'm sure if a certain former mafia man is involved, this will be a walk in the park." Derek chortles, his attempt to comfort me and I find it reassuring. "I'm sure Hugh is already formulating plans on how best to make all of them disappear." I joked and it seemed to elicit more laughter with my friend.

"Would it be so bad." He exclaimed. "Not at all, listen, I'm going to pass by Beau Co, grab a few files then head home, call me if you need anything." I tell Derek who mulls it over. "I've got nothing, though I have to tell you that I'm having dinner with Craig tonight also he quit his job." Derek informs me and I find that to be an interesting development.

"You better tell me more." I demand. "Of course, just after the dinner and sex because right now, I need to get ready to go, love you!" He exclaims loudly. "Love you too!" I yell back before the call cuts and I'm left with a smile on my lips, a very regular and welcome simplicity in my life that I fully enjoyed, I was just happy.

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Saint Jay

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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