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Ceres Beau.

I was caught in the middle of a war zone, a silent, cold and deadly war between father and son, I could've never imagined Drake standing up to his father, and Rehal looking at his son as if he were worthless.

"Now is not the time for you to unpack your failures as a father Drake." Rehal hissed toward Drake who seemed unfazed by those words. "Same could be said for you father, haven't you meddled in my life enough times, haven't you destroyed my marriage already, what else do you want, so help me God father, stay out of my way because now isn't the time for me to open up your own box of secrets." Drake sneered back and I had to hand it to him, he was ballsy.

Not many people could stand up to a man like Rehal, there was something about him that just made you fear him, whether it was money or his natural intensity I would never know, but he hadn't perfected the art like Hugh had, or any of my brothers and cousins really, they were like the flames a moth was drawn to, you knew you would burn yet you flew straight at them still.

"I believe this conversation is for you two only." I muttered moving away from Rehal to Derek who waited for me. "No dear, you're family, after all in spite of everything you and Drake have children, that's a bond that can't be erased." Rehal protested, reminding me of what held me and Drake close, more than I actually liked.

"I don't think so, your family is a bit unwelcoming, last time I was here, I was pleading and weeping for you to talk to Drake so that we could reconcile, you had your guard grab me and throw me out." I chuckled lightly and yet my words shook both men. "The tree may forget but an axe does not." I mused facing Rehal.

"I am truly sorry for that incident and the ones that followed, I was only attending to Drake's wishes." He responded and it made Derek snort behind me at how easily he could scapegoat his own son. "Is that so?" I exclaimed nonchalantly.

"Don't you dare use me for your excuses father, I didn't even know Drake came to you, you kept me far from him, barred him away from me and threatened my children if I even so much as breathed his name." Drake angrily grabbed his father's collar and I smiled. "Get your hands off me boy!" Rehal ordered vehemently but Drake instead punched his father.

"Oh my goodness, did he just punch his father." Derek sassed behind me. "He legit just punched his father." I answered back. "Guurl.." We both crooned.

The two men were both separated from each other by the other guests. "I'm so tired of you trying to control me, manipulate me like I'm some chess piece, fire me, take everything from me I don't care, but I swear I am tired of watching you pretend that you love my mother when you're fucking your secretary again!" Drake yelled over the crowd and a silence washed over the whole house. "Oh my goodness." I stated in delightful surprise.

"This night just gets better." Derek shook in excitement and I tried hard not to giggle. "How dare you boy, I am your father and you accuse me of something so heinous!" Rehal shot back angrily, his guests struggling to hold him back. "Don't deny it father or I'll say something much worse." Drake warned lowly and it tamed his father instantly.

"Wait you're telling me there is something much worse than that." Derek mumbled in my ear. "Apparently so." I replied with a look that spoke of my amusement at the turnout of this situation. "You two need to stop right now." Jade, Drake's sister intervenes and the two listen.

"Everyone the appetizers are ready, please move into the dining hall." She further announces, I grab Derek's hand and we begin our slow walk where the others were going. "Ceres, a word." Dana, Drake's mother asks and I nod toward her. "When you get the opportunity, go, I'm probably going to be entertaining the spilled tea for a while." I tell Derek who nods just before Craig shows up by his side.

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