Chapter 31 (Born): Norse Attack

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In a room, Rias and her peerage are having a meeting with Azazel.

Azazel: Odin's gonna head back up North and retrieve Mjölnir, since we'll need it in upcoming fight. And while it's great that Ajuka teleported Loki out of our hair, he'll only be restrained for about a day and you can bet he's gonna be pissed when he gets back here.

Rias: One day? That's it?

Azazel: Yep. And when that happens, we're not gonna have any chance but to fight him head on. Won't be easy either. But I'm pretty sure the Saiyan can help you with that.

Rias: Because of the Devil King class members are like to attack Loki out right. It can result in another large scale war, which wouldn't be good for anybody. That's far too risky.

Azazel: Plus, it would play into Loki's hand. He wants to bring about Ragnarok. And the Khaos Brigade wants pandemonium. A war like that would further all of their goals. It'd be the beginning of the end, kiddos. Nothing would survive.

Akeno places her hand to her chin.

Akeno: If Loki gets out before Mjölnir, we are screwed.

Rias: Seems that way, yeah. I think we need to go talk to my brother.


The next day, you are outside waiting for the others to arrive.

(Y/n): 'So Loki was the one who attacked at the party yesterday. And he's about to start Ragnarok.'

You sense another energy coming close.

A black aura appears, and in came Larxene, the Savage Nymph smirking at you.

Larxene: Hello, (Y/n). Miss me?

You give her the stern look, bringing out the Keyblade on your hand.

(Y/n): What do you want?

Larxene: Is that a way to greet someone? How rude. You've changed since Vali used Divine Dividing to drain your power the other day, and yet you managed to defeat the White Dragon Emperor. I'm very surprised. And you should've seen the look on your girlfriend's face when you were passed out. Rias broke down so badly, assuming you died, she became furious, releasing the destruction aura like that.

She laughs.

Larxene: How intoxicating.

You become angry at her for making fun of Rias.

Larxene: You even did a number on my good friend, Luxord and that idiot Demyx.

(Y/n): Who asked you anyway?

Larxene: Oh, you're so much fun to watch. Most of all, the Khaos Brigade will soon begin the war.

(Y/n): What do you mean?

Larxene: Do you really think I'm just gonna say it? That's just too easy. Oh, what to do~?

(Y/n): Quit the games!

(Y/n): Quit the games!

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