Chapter 28 - Wonder-ful

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"I think I'm dead." Effie said walking into school wearing sunglasses.

"Same," Kitty said wearing the same glasses as her. "I regret pouring all of that in the bowl."

"How much did you actually put in that bowl?" Effie asked, gently moving her head to turn to her sinc it hurt to move it so much.

"1 bottle per bowl." Artie said joining them as they continued down the hall wearing his sunglasses.

"We had about 4 bowls." Jake added as he and Ryder joined who were also wearing sunglasses who said. "So 4 bottles of vodka? Where the hell did you get that much?"

"No," Artie said sighing. "We only had 2 bottles."

"This is like the time we all drank at Rachel's." Blaine said joining the crowd with Tina who were also wearing sunglasses.

"That time she turned you straight." Sam said a lot louder than the small volume they spoke at making them groan as he joined them all.

"Sam I love you and your big lips," Effie mumbled not even looking at him. "But you need to be quieter, I actually feel like I'm going to collapse at any moment now."

"Okay." He said laughing, enjoying the fact that everyone was hungover and he could irritate them so easily.

"My mum thought that I was dead because I slept so long and didn't leave my room all day yesterday." Tina said walking into the choir room with everyone else. "She's been feeding me some kind of Asian soup that's supposed to revive my spirit and soul."

"Definitely did revive the spirits," Kitty mumbled laughing. "I heard you were sick."

"Please don't bring up being sick." Effie said sitting down beside her. "I will be sick all over everyone."

"Alright guys, the aim of the game is to make sure Mr Schue doesn't find out we were drinking." Tina said turning around from her seat in the front row. "Last time he went on about how we shouldn't be drinking and we had to make a promise."

"Seriously?" Kitty asked.

"Seriously." Artie said looking at her. "Now everyone take their shades off, he will know."

"Fine." Kitty said sighing.

Everyone took their sunglasses off apart from Unique, Marley and Sam who weren't wearing ones to begin with. They instantly regretted it, the lights blinding them and making there heads pound even more.

"Just act enthusiastic and normal." Tina said turning back to the front.

"Thank God for make-up." Effie mumbled, letting her head fall back.

"Glee club!" Mr Schue shouting walking in, clapping once everyone sat down, everyone groaned at his enthusiasm and his loudness as he wrote "Wonder-ful" on the board. "All right, guys, I just got some wonderful news from Rachel. She's got a second callback for Funny Girl. And that's not our only good news. Brittany is at M.I.T. touring the campus because she's got an early acceptance."

"That can't be true." Kitty interrupted.

"And I re-proposed to Emma." Mr Schue said ignoring Kitty and all the faces of confusion about Brittany. "She reaccepted, and we're getting married after regionals."

Everyone was genuinely happy for them and tried their best to show it but the clapping made it even worse, Sam clapped right in Effie's ear to piss her off so when Mr Schue turned around she elbowed him in the stomach making him grunt and fall forwards slightly.

"Yay! We're excited. I've got good news, too." Tina said, trying to plaster a fake smile on. "I'm wait-listed at the Columbus College of Veterinary Medicine. It's a fallback if I don't pursue acting."

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