Chapter 14 - 1989

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"Give her some room." Unique shouted cautiously walking backwards infront of Marley. "She needs space! Breathe, girl, breathe!"

"Does anyone have anything she can eat?" Kitty asked making Tina reply with. "I have some leftover Halloween candy in my locker."

"I may have a juice box." Blaine said running to his bag.

"I'll go get Marley's mum." Joe said running out the room.

Marley just fainted at the end of Gangnam Style, everyone is in the state of panic including me. I can't believe she actually fainted on stage from not eating, how did we not notice she was this bad?

"This is bad." Artie said in front of Marley who just got dragged in by Ryder and Jake. "Never in the history of show choir competitions has anyone ever fainted."

"We got the juice." Sam said catching the juice from Blaine. "We got the juice."

"No," Marley refused. "I'm okay."

"Drink the damn juice!" Kitty said looking a little bit too worried.

"Marley? Marley, are you okay?" Finn asked running in. "What happened?"

"She hasn't been eating." Jake said shaking his head. "She's been skipping lunch."

"Is that because you've been telling her to?" Santana hissed at Kitty with folded arms. "You trying to turn her into a damn rexy?"

"What? No." Kitty said taken back. "Why would I-why would I want that?"

"'Cause you're a crazy, evil bitch." Santana shouted.

I knew that there was a possibility of what Santana said was true earlier this week, I just hadn't had the chance to say anything to Marley but I never knew it had gotten this bad. The fact it had got to this stage it was scary.

"Hey, Marley," Mr Schue said running in the room and kneeling in front of her. "You all right?"

"The nurse is on the way, Mr. Schue." Finn said nodding.

"Santana, Puck, you stay here with Marley. The rest of you guys, get back up there." Mr Schue said calmly then turning to us and raising his voice. "Leaving the stage mid-competition, for any reason, is risking immediate disqualification."

"What?!" Finn said what I was thinking. "That-that's a rule?"

"Yeah, it's a rule." Sue said walking in the room making me roll my eyes, we don't need this at the moment. "One of the by-laws, actually. As all of you all were spiralling into a self-created K-hole of crazy, the judges, by unanimous vote, have declared the Warblers victorious."

I let out a sigh, I can't believe this. We worked so hard for nothing. Something has got to ruin this group that is bringing people joy. This is so typical.

"Hey, congratulations, Finn Hudson." Sue said smiling. "For the first time in its charmed, yet pitiful existence, the New Directions! Has lost Sectionals. But here's the good news. Christmas came early for one Sue Sylvester."

With that she left the room leaving us all speechless. The room was silent for a few seconds until Santana started cursing in Spanish. She had to be held back as she tried to attack Kitty, I left the room and ran to my locker to get my phone.

I had a missed call from the hospital, oh my god no. I instantly phoned the number back getting through to a nurse, she said that my dad has woken up and is unaware of his surroundings. I grabbed my stuff and ran back to the choir room looking for Sam.

It had calmed down a lot, Santana had left the room probably to calm down outside a long with rest of the almuni. Quinn was still here, her and Sam were talking, perfect timing.

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