Chapter 10 - Look at me, I'm Sandra dee

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"Effie!" Sam said running up to me and giving me a hug. "Are you okay? Is your dad okay?"

My dad was just taken to hospital, I had to stay behind and make sure nothing was wrong with the house or something but I think it was because I refused to go. I was sitting on the back of an ambulance with one of those stupid blanket things.

"Why the fire brigade?" I mumbled to myself staring ahead. "I see why the ambulances, yeah, but why the fire brigade? There wasn't a fire."

"Eh," Sam said looking at me confused. "Are you feeling okay?"

"There wasn't a fire?" I said continuing my glare ahead into nothing then turning to him. "Was there?"

"No, no no." Sam said shaking his head and looking around. "Not that I'm aware of."

I just blinked at him then continued my stare ahead. I felt him wrap his arms around me and give my forehead a kiss, but I couldn't feel the normal butterflies I usually get when he kissed me. I felt nothing, absolutely nothing.

"Are you her boyfriend?" A doctor asked making him take his arms off me and stand up. "She inhaled some of the fumes from the car, she might be a little loopy but that should have worn off by now. This just seems to be shock but she is refusing to go to hospital or take any tests." Sam raised an eyebrow, clearly confused. "When people are in shock they tend to not talk at all or focus on one thing at a time. Important or not."

"Okay," Sam said with a nod. "Effie, you need to go to the hospital, I'll come with you if you want?"

"Why are the fire brigade here?" I asked the doctor.

"They had to make sure the fumes didn't spread throughout the house," She said examining me. "And so that there wasn't a fire between when you called and any time after that."

"Oh," I said nodding trying to make sense of it. "Okay."

"Effie," The doctor said sitting on the back of the ambulance with me. "I need you to go to the hospital so we can check you out, at least let me do some tests now."

I just nodded, I didn't want to put up a fight, especially if Sam was there, I'd just make a fool of myself. I slowly stood up and climbed back into the ambulance with Sam helping and following in behind me.


"I didn't even see my dad," I said whilst Sam walked me to my house. "Like, they wouldn't let me see him? What was that about?"

"Maybe it's best if you didn't." Sam said waiting for me to unlock the front door. "My mum is expecting me to be home anytime soon so you have to be quick."

"How can something so good and something so bad happen in that space of time?" I asked looking at him. "I try my best not to think like that but that was a little coincidental."

I could tell he wanted to give me a good answer but he couldn't, he knew it would end in tears so he just shrugged slightly. As soon as I entered that eerie house I regretted it. All I could smell was alcohol, it was disgusting.

I slowly made my way in, I promised to be quick but it was painful. I ran upstairs leaving Sam alone downstairs, I grabbed a bag and packed for two nights - just incase.


After settling into Sam's place I eventually managed to fall asleep. I got to sleep in Stacey's room, she had to share with Stevie, I felt really bad about it until she came into my room during the middle of the night giving me a fright.

"Sorry," She said standing at the edge of my bed. "I, uh, I couldn't sleep because of the wind and thunder, it scares me."

"Come here then," I said lifting up the covers and letting her in with me. "Don't worry, it scares me as well."

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