Chapter 35 - Sissy That Walk

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Effie, can we speak? It's really important.

Effie glanced down at her phone, cringing at the sight of the text. All she wanted to do was escape any relation with him, what a horrible person he was.

Effie I'm sitting behind you I can see that you've seen my message. Are you ignoring me?

She took a deep breath, quickly glancing behind and looking at him. She flipped the hair that was in her face out the way as she took the phone and replied.

Maybe you should take that as a hint, Jake.

Jake was beyond confused, of course he had no idea that Effie knew about him and Bree so the only thing he could think of was Sam being jealous. Jake went to open his mouth and tap on Effie's shoulder but a large amount of laughter erupted from across the room.

It was the glee club laughing at Blaine trying to twerk earlier on in the day as he put out the chairs for the glee club in the choir room, least you could say that was he failed miserably.

"Blaine, this is nothing to be embarrassed about." Mr Schue said watching off Tina's phone with the crowd gathered around her.

"Yes, it is!" Blaine explained from behind Effie and Jake. "That's a twerk fail, Gawker nightmare."

"No, this is a revelation." Mr Schue shouted as Ryder made his way to Blaine to comfort him.

"If this is turning into what I think it's turning into I just wanna say that it's physically impossible for me to twerk." Artie declared, not wanting to be a part of it.

"I beg to differ." Kitty said quietly with a smirk which made Artie blush.

"Look how you're all riveted by that video." Mr Schue exclaimed as he wrote 'twerk' on the board. "That's the kind of reaction we need from the judges if we're gonna one-up Throat Explosion at nationals. We need to edge up our America's sweetheart image a bit- show the judges that we're not afraid to rebel."

"Mr. Schue," A voice peeped from the middle of the group, it was Marley shyly putting her hand up. "what if some of us don't know how to twerk?"

"Have no fear, your twerktorial is here." Mr Schue shouted getting all the class to twerk.

"Twerk it, girl."

"If you can dance like Blaine did in that video-" Mr Schue began but Blaine interrupted him as Ryder went up to hug him since his checks were cherry red from being embarrassed. "No, no."

"We are gonna need a bigger trophy case."

Everyone got up and started to twerk, although most were okay the majority was bad, including Marley's awkward attempt of what looked like her needing the toilet but having to hold it in.


"Okay, listen up." Jake said in front of the Glee club on the stage at the auditorium. "Twerking did start in Atlanta in the club scene, but it is global now. And whether you call it the booty pop or "P" pop or the sissy bounce all that you need to do it is a working booty and the right attitude and education, so we'll start with the basics." He looked at Kitty and Effie, letting them move forward to demonstrate. "Kitty, Effie?"

"All right, you basic bitches." Kitty shouted getting everyone's attention. "Feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees."

"Turn them out, hands on hips. Thumbs on the butt." Effie said demonstrating along with Kitty as everyone else followed along. "And pop it, pop it, pop it, pop it."

"So you just keep it going like this." Kitty shouted as Artie stared at her.

"This is so weird!" Mr Schue shouted, I mean, how weird is it that he's watching a bunch of underage teenagers twerk. "Unique, come on! You are a natural!"

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