Chapter 5: The Choice.

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No one's Pov.

The scene changed to the inside of a old apartment as footsteps can be heard coming towards the door and the sound of keys rustling behind it. *thump* ow fuck. And a familiar voice cussing after a loud thump against the door as Meng kicks it open. Here's Joh*slam*. Only to get the door slammed in his face. Meng then opens while pushing against the door with his blue jacket on and grocerys in hands. Anyways, sorry I took awhile and I know it's late but I thought that this might make up for it. Meng points out as he plops the grocery bag on the table. I got some chips and a rented a movie, top Ramen with spam for dinner like you always like. Meng was announcing towards the figure walking behind him as he was taking out the items. But I ain't cooking til I check your homework s- OOH I love spam and top Ramen*thump*. A women's voice announced as Meng dropped his spam and had his hand on his glock hidden below the back of his jacket.

But before he took it out, he imeidtiatly stopped himself to see Kasa ontop of Chos shoulders. Ms Miyamoto helped me out with homework. Kasa announced as he was playing with Cho's messy hair bun. Yayyy top Ramen and Spam! Kasa yelled out as Meng just let's go of his glock and puts his hands in his pockets. Would to join us? Meng asked sarcastically as Cho nods. Yes please. She said bluntly as Meng grew a tick mark with an irritated smile while Cho has flowers surrounding her presence.

As Cho and Kasa were playing fun little card games. Cho noticed Mengs obviously familiar jacket as he took out three bowls and puts the Ramen in them. Alright here. Meng said as he handed her and Kasa the Ramen bowls as he sits across from Cho and starts eating. But not before noticing the small texting gagdet Cho installed under the table. Oni-chan, how did you meet Ms. Miyamoto? Kasa asked as Meng looked at him with a confused look. He then looks down to see Cho typing and sends a message.

Cho: I'm a friend from work.

Meng saw that and decides to respond. this is a garden gnome I helped off the streets and won't leave me alone. Meng points out as Kasa looks at Cho. Me and your brother are good friends, he actually invited me over to watch over you. Cho slightly lied with a smile as Kasa believes her. Meng then gets another message from Cho but in a image.


Meng then chuckles while Cho smiles at the message to. Does my brother tease you alot Ms Miyamoto?-*cough*. Kasa asked as Meng choked on his noodles. Cho then looks at Meng as she was hesitant on answering the little boys question. If so then that means your a good friend. Because he is comfortable around you. Kasa points out as Meng was considering killing Cho so she won't tell anyone about this. Cho then chuckles as she looks at Meng. Ohohoho really now? Cho teased Meng as his trigger finger was getting itchy.

Meng then leans to kasa and smiles. Alright scaly, how about you get into some pj's and I will get the movie set up. Meng proposes to kasa as he finishes his food. Yes sir. Kasa saluted as he rans to his room. Cho then looks back to see Kasa runs off while she smiles. Your brother is such a little cu-*chch* and there is a gun in my face. Cho said as Meng pulled out his glock. How did you know where I live? Meng demanded to know as Cho had her hands up. I saw you parked outside here for awhile until you left for some groceries. Kasa noticed me and welcomed me with open arms. Cho explains as Meng was still pointing the gun at her face.

Cho then opens her coat to reveal no weapons. I'm not here to hurt you, only to give you one last oprutinity. Cho explains as she took a ripped poster and presented a program. So demon slayers usually group up together to protect certain areas of Japan's country sides, towns, or city's. And even though I got the kambako squad- the whobababko what the what*splat*. Cho threw the spam after getting cut off by Meng. As I was saying, the kambako squad and I decided to do this program because most of us don't got family's or have family members that we can't part with. So we would all be living under one roof. Cho finally finished as Meng ate the spam.

He then puts away the gun as he looks at the paper. The Demon slayer corps also allow us to have a free education, so not only does Kasa gets a guaranteed education but you get a second chance at yours. Cho stated as Meng was reading the descriptions. But his suspensions continues to grow due to his lack of trust. Why are you doing this? Meng asked as Cho was just dumbfounded. Why are you so skeptical of everything, can you just except help. Cho started to scold Meng as the gunsman looked offended. Well excuse me but when someone I barly know tried to give me something, it means they want something back in return. So forgive me for having trust issues to people that I just met. Meng points out as he slides the poster to Cho.

Cho then had a sudden realization of something. What about Kanao, you To only hanged out for a bit yet it's obvious you trusted her enough for you to come back to headquarters with her. Cho points out as Meng just looked away a bit flustered. Wait a minute. Cho then just had a sudden shock as Meng just grits his teeth in irritation. Nooooooo!!!!*Bonk*. She starts to yell as Meng bonked her with Kasa's empty bowl. Owwwwww my heaaad. Cho cried as she rubbed the bump on her head. Hopefully that gives you amnesia. Meng said as Cho rubs her head. But as he sits down, Cho then goes on her from her explanation of why she is helping Meng. Someone once told me, everyone deserves a second chance. A chance to change, a chance to find themselves again, a chance to live. Cho then points to the poster. And that's what I want from you. Because not only do I want to give you a second chance in reclaiming your life. But I also want to give you a second chance as my partner. Cho states as Meng looks at the paper.

He stares and thinks about the offer. A second chance huh? Meng mutters as he looks at Cho. Okay, I will accept your offer on one condition. Meng stated as he points at the educational system. If I stop killing people or if I get arrested, fired, or quit the demon slayer corps after a year. I want Kasa to have an educational future in his life. Meng the points his thumb at himself. Because I don't care about what happens to me, but whatever happens I want Kasa to live a better life then this. Meng stated as Cho nods. This can be arranged, but I want something in return. Cho stated as Meng looked confused.

A few moments later.

Meng and Cho were in the front of the garage as Cho was tapping her foot impatiently. Do I have to give it back? it's so fast and awesome. Meng pointed out as Cho nodded. Yes I know, it's my bike after all. I've tooken care of it, cleaned it, modified it to my fitting, and even clean the sides for dirt. So I want it back. Cho said as Meng puts the key in the hole. Fine, anyways I'ma tell Kasa you head home and to pack his stuff. I will meet you at the new apartment tommorow. Meng promised as he walks away as Cho opens the door. But as she flips the light switch on, She sees her pride and joy diffiled with a sprayed on skull on the windshield and sides while dirt was covering the tires and sides. That peice of shit. The scene then changes with Meng fumbling up the apartment steps after realizing he screwed up with Chos bike. Meng SIKANU!!!! Chos voice echoes thru the stairs case as Meng felt a shiver down his spine. Shit. Meng said to himself as he runs to his floor.

But as he turns a corner and was about three doors down to his apartment. He turns his back to see Cho with a murderous look in her eyes as Meng was completely shocked. Dam that women can move. That's the only thing he thought to himself as he tried to open the door. But he realises that he left the key with the garage key as Cho was running up to him like a mad demon. *knocknockknocknock* kasa open the door, open the door right now!! Meng kept on yelling as Cho was running closer and closer. Meng can only lean back against the door as he breathes heavily in a panic while Cho was now six feet close to him in high speed. The scene then changed to a veiw of the apartment with the final words of Meng for the night.


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