Chapter 30: The ridiculous 8.

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No one's Pov.

A flashback of a younger Meng was displayed in the scene as he was eating alone in the cafeteria. Everyone that tried to mess with him was rather beaten half to death or would think twice as they walked past him. Kiddet 081406-Meng Sikanu. Suddenly, a black tactical soldier with a round shield on the back approaches Meng. Come with me. He demanded as Meng's emotionless face remains as he walks with the soldier to a room on the other end of the camp. Where Akumu, Nakano, Wan, and Tokyo would be present while another group of elite tactical group was presented.

Meng would only look down on the ground when a man holding a black oni-mask turns to him. How has your speech been young Sikanu? The man asks as Meng shrugs. Its been alright...I've just been struggling with reading a few languages. Meng says as the man walks around the desk. And your training, how are you processing your practice kills? The man asked as he proceeds to present a baby squirrel. I don't know what you mean. Meng says as the man tosses the squirrel at him. Twist the neck til it rips off. The man demanded as Meng looks down at the baby squirl.

Children in this Pacific organization had choices, they were allowed to leave and have financial support for there futures. They also have a choice to join the cause, and would only practice killing with certain animals at the ripe age of 15 or even older. Screee scree. The squirl cries as Mengs hands slowly wraps its small little head, as it would claw at him. This shows that Meng at only 9 years old has not only contain the stomach to handle such gore but also shows that he was born to be a killer.

Screee, screeee*crack*snap!*.

The squirrel was now dead as blood drips down Meng's hand. Which brought concern to Nakano and Wan's face. All while Akumu just take the squirrel off Meng's hands and would hand it to the man. Good, I believe you are ready to be assigned a squad and go on your first mission. The man says as everyone had a look of disagreement. Mr Dark, Meng is far to young for a mission. Wan says as the man known as Dark. Pulls a revolver out of his holster.

He would then load it and point at Wan. *click*. And pull the trigger to fire an empty round. Everyone was confused while Meng just looks at the motion and detail of Dark's actions. Dark would then load up the next round and turns to Meng. Hey boy. Dark calls out as Mengs hand jolted up. It's been getting loud, silence it. Meng points a gun at Wan and aims. Fire. Dark demands as Meng aims, loads, and then pulls the trigger.

Wan was shocked being beleif as he looks to side to see a bug blown apart by the bullet Meng shot. He's young, but he understands what type of assignment I give him. Dark says as Meng tosses back the gun. I beleive that squad 24 "Night Hunter " will allow you all to retire in peace. Dark says as Meng remained silent while looking at Nakano.


The scene then takes place in the present with Cho wearing the Peruvian sewed dress Meng got her. Man, this shit is the bomb. Cho says as Tanjiro points his fork at her. Language Cho-san. Tanjiro says as Zenitsu and Inosuke was stuffed. God that was good, who knew Meng could cook? Zenitsu says as Kanao nods. I remember how him and Aoi would always be in home-economics trying out new recipes. Even Shinuzagawa-Chan is impress. Kanao says as Akio chuckles to himself. To bad those two have so much bad blood with each other. He points out as everyone laughed.

Cho would then get up and gather the plates. You guys can head out without me, I need to get out of this ridiculous dress and wash the plates. Cho says as Akio stands up. I can help, that way we can meet the others at the town faster. Akio says as Inosuke Kanao looked at each other, basically having the same thought. Well we should head out. Kanao suggest as everyone but Akio and Cho was left with the mess.

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