Chapter 35: Post War plan.

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No ones Pov

The flashback takes place at the Peru safe house, with Nakano working on the mustang in the garage. She sits up after working the engine and starts to put away her tools, but she then stops while holding on to her flat head. *WOOSH*CLANK*. Her fork was deflected from a masked man with a red knife as she can only smile. Hello kiddo, how was your mission? Nakano asked as Meng removes his mask with his emotionless expression. Successful. Míng jíe-senpai tried to teach me plan scatter.We also recovered data linking to a type of illegal mining trade. Meng says as Nakano proceeds to hug him. That's my boy, when Takeo-Chan gets back we will celebrate. Nakano says as Meng looks uncomfortable.

Meng: Nakano-Sama, can you let me go?

Nakano: Not til you call me mom.

Meng:....Nakano-Sama, can you let me go?

Meng says as Nakano only frowns and lets go. I basically raised you, the least you can do is call me mom. She stated while noticing Meng hasn't removed his tactical uniform after setting down his gear. Meng, have you ever thought of going shopping with me for some clothes? Nakano asks Meng as he only stands there with a blank face. Dark-San says that a soldier shouldn't be out a uniform, also uncle Akumu already gave me his AC/DC shirt. Meng says as Nakano frown grew bigger. So you can call him uncle, but you refuse to call me mom? Nakano asked as Meng gives her his blank look.

Nakano only sighs as she continues. I was thinking about enrolling you in a school I went to in Japan, they have a lot of cute girls there~. Nakano says as she picks up an old scrap book. When I was little and went to Peru with my mother, she took me to a market and bought me a white dress. When I came back to Japan in it, Takeo-San was head over heels for me. Nakano says as Meng tilts his head. Finally he is curious. Nakano accepted this improvement as Meng responded to her earlier story. I don't think I'll look good in heals. Nakano's face palms herself in disappointment as she closes the book.

Meanwhile Meng just gets up and walks upstairs to his room. I have another mission tommorow, I'll just eat the protein pack. Meng says as Nakano raises a brow and follows. I didn't know the squad was leaving so soon? She asks as Meng shrugs. Dark-San says we have to head out by next light. Nakano was shocked hearing that as she stops Meng by grabbing his arm. Meng, you can deny his request. This organization prioritize the members health. Nakano says as Meng removes his arm from her grip. It was an order, Dark-San says good soldier follow orders. Meng says as he leaves Nakano alone and enters his room.

It was an open space, with a window door which leads to a patio. Yet he refuses to sleep on the bed, which is why he has a sheet on the floor. Even though he keeps to himself, he doesn't shut the door. He only waits to see if Nakano isn't looking as he removes his clothing to reveal stitches and bruises. He gets dress, lays down, yet doesn't sleep as he tries his very best to stay awake.

The scene then cuts to Nakano using the an old communication device and is now making a call. Hello niecey. Akumu's voice beams with joy as Nakano only laughs. Hey uncle, how are the recent Night Hunter reports? She asks as the scene cuts to Akumu working in a lab. Oh well, it's a 100 percent success rate so far. They are similar to our squad but their methods are always unpredictable. Akumu says as Nakano only looks back at her door. How about Meng? She asks as Akumu bobs his head side to side while placing a patch in a black ooze.

Akumu: MMMM, I'd say he is efficient. He is so what he is told and nothing more. But his commanding officers are concerned that he was willing to put himself on the line for a mission.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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