Chapter 13: The flames of Darkness in sunlight part 3

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No one's Pov.

As the veiw of Meng was widening up enough to see his face, his breath was getting heavier as voices and whispers can be heard in his head as we then see Hagenezka and Meng in a stare down as the two were ready to kill eachother. Meng....put the knife away. Kanao Demanded as he was just trying to collect himself. Meanwhile hagenezka was observing Meng as his arm went having any trouble moving around, even with Meng having a firm grip on him. His knife was slolwy grazing Mengs red centered chest peice as he stops in the middle. Oh its you. Hagenezka says as Meng just remains silent. Your that dissapointment of a Demon slayer that uses guns right? Hagenezka asked as Meng grew a tick mark with an irritated smile. I guess. Meng said as the two just stare at one another with silence.

But Kanao had enough as she walks up to the two and puts there knives down. Okay now that we have all got to know eachother, Let's talk business.- *Shing*CHCH*. Kanao words were cut off by Hagenezka slowly holding a knife near Mengs throat while Meng takes put his glock and points it under Hagenezka's chin. So Hagenezka-San, I was wondering if you can try and help Meng pick out a sword. Sense I don't exactly trust him enough to fight off demons with pistols all the time. Kanao points out as she puts down the two's weapons casually. Of course Ms Tsuyuri. Sense you are one of the very few runs that chips or break there swords. I will happily assist you. Hagenezka says as he looks back at Meng. Let's hop to it. Hagenezka says as he wraps his arm around Mengs neck and starts dragging him to there next stop.

Mengs Pov.

So as we were dropped off by that guy with the power wagon. This masked lunatic proceeds to drag me out of it while Kanao hops out casually. Please let me go. I demanded as I proceeded to wrap my arm around this dudes arm and kick him off, But when I landed on my left hand and used it to back flip myself right on my two feet. I turned my head a bit as to in this veiw that the mountain provided as I looked at the village from afar.

But as I looked down at everyone. The masked idiot proceeded to walk beside me and starts talking. You know I've been up here a million times and this sight never gets old. Hagenezka points out as I smiled. You know I never really got to see places like this before. I'm always used to very bright lights and car noises. I pointed out as I then took in a huge breath as I then smiled. So this is nice.....your home is nice. I pointed out as Hagenezka patted my back. Ok, let's head to the mining site. Hagenezka stated as he drags me by the hood.

We would then proceed to go to the mining site where the sun was shining the brightest. We then proceeded to walk down the steps as I pressed my hand against the wall. Scarlett Crimson iron ore. I pointed out as Kanao nods. Right you are. Each ore is different in certain areas and it's the Demon slayer options to choose one of them to be use as there weapon. Kanao points out as I was brought infront of a table. There were a few different materials as I proceeded to hold one up. So how am I supposed to choose? I asked as I lifted the rock up. Just feel what comes natural. Kanao said as I just look at the stone.

No one's Pov.

As Hagenezka and Kanao leave Meng alone to decide. Hagenezka proceeds to hand her three swords. Tell that Short brat that this is a one time request only. Hagenezka stated as Kanao took the three swords. Thank you Hagenezka-San. Kanao thanked the swordsmith as she decided to ask him a question. Why did you get up all in Mengs face? I asked as Hagenezka proceeds to shake his head. Truly believe me when I say that I feel terribly sorry for responding that way. Hagenezka was surprisingly apologetic as he goes on to explain. You see, we discovered something...odd. And it's honestly something that all the swordsmith are jumpy about, and your friend had the same type of presence as...that "thing". Hagenezka points out as Kanao raised a brow of curiosity.

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