short chapter: The after affect.

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Mengs Pov.


What an odd way to start the morning. A ringing sound was playing in my ear like a bomb had just gone off, my field of vision was disoriented and my balance became unsteady as I tried to leave my bed. Luckily Kasa is with Cho and Akio today so he won't see me like this, but I don't exactly know what's wrong with me. I feel sleepy even though I've done nothing but sleep for the last few days. The bump on my head has already healed so why do I still feel pain?

I just need something to eat, And since Aoi and Kanao left I have to rely on Himari's cooking. Maybe she can hand me some Tylenol to. I try taking a few more steps, but then I imeidtiatly start to feel sleepy again as I put hands against the wall and was spacing out.

What is happening to me?

Himaris Pov.

I decided to take some time off demon slaying as I was put in charge of watching the little Chinese trigger-happy. He tried six times to go out and hunt some demons, but I guessed he gained a concussion from his fight with the wind hashira because he was slow to react to my famous arm locks.

(Start of theme)

But as I was making breakfast, Wolf slowly stumbled to me as he lays beside me exhausted. What's the matter boy? I asked as I saw his runny nose. Oh, you have a fever? I asked as I was scratching his chin. Hey Himari. Meng calls out as I turned to see him a bit pale and green. I don't feel so good, I'm having this headache and it won't go away. Meng explains as I checked his forehead. I'll give you some Tylenol, just sit and try not to sleep. I said as Meng sat at the table.

But what concerns me more was his hands. They were shaking and slightly jerking as his eyes were vibrating and bloodshot. Here. I said as I handed him some water. Oh, Thank yo-*CRASH*. The glass dropped and scattered the floor as Mengs stares down at his numb shaking hand. *Whimpers*. Suddenly, Wolf was now whimpering as his breathing became heavy. Come on, I'm getting you and wolf to see a doctor. I demanded as Meng's eyes turn to me. I can't go to a hospital. Meng stated as I grabbed his arm.

Don't worry you big baby they won't do any flu shots on you.

Meng: No Himari, I can't go.

But why?

Meng: It's personal ok

I'm sure I can help you out, but we need to leave now.

Meng: Himari I said no

I ain't asking, I'm tellin-


Mengs screaming caught me off guard. And what made it worst was that his sudden mood swing caused him more pain as he was now holding his forehead with his hand and was gritting his teeth. He groans in pain as I helped him up. Come on let's go. I stated as he finally walks out with me while Wolf was inside my hoodie. Himari. Meng mutters as we rushed to the elevator. I'm sorry I yelled. Meng says as I just try my best to keep my composure and not get emotional. Unless you dying, I don't think I should have a reason to be emotional. I said as the elevator door shuts.

No one's Pov.

As Meng sits in the room. he was shaking and jerking his hands, his breathing was all over the place, and his teeth were gritting against each other as he had to deal with this constant ringing in his ear.

It's so noisy.

It's so hot.

Everything feels so tight.

What I'm doing here again?

What am I doing here?

It hurts, it hurts so much. Someone make it stop. Someone, please make it stop.

Meng mutters as he grips his hair and pulls it. Please stop, please, please, please, please. Meng continues to beg as he was now on his knees and plants his forehead on the floor. His heartbeat increases as he drools like a rabid animal with his bloodshot eyes.

Calm down now!!

Meng demands himself as everything just stops. He was now collecting himself as he looks down at his still hand. Thank you...thank you so much. Meng says as he gets up. *click* sorry to keep you waiting. Shinobu Kocho, the leader of the medical core visited the room as Meng looks up at her. I'm Shinobu Kocho, I am the kambako squads doctor. Shinobu introduced herself as Meng nods. I'm........I'm....Im Meng Sikanu. Meng responded a but late as Shinobu signals to sit down.

Shinobu: Now Meng, I understand that you're having some intense headaches.

Meng: yes ma'am, I uh...I tripped and hit my head pretty hard.

Shinobu: Hmm, I guess the head of the Wind pillar is a hard place to hit.

Meng stays silent as he was a bit embarrassed. You saw that huh? Meng asks as Shinobu nods. Don't worry, I believe he deserved it. Shinobu says as Meng's hand was shaking. No, no, no. Meng thinks to himself as he holds his hands together and try to think of something to say. I guess, he was really rude to me. But honestly, I should have walked away or at least talked to him about how his words hurt me. Meng says as Shinobu smiles and laughs a bit

Shinobu: You know, you remind me of someone that would always try to resolve everything through talking.

Meng: Guess they were smarter than me.

Shinobu: You shouldn't doubt yourself. I've seen your academic achievements for someone that has dropped out and can't read aswell.

Shinobu says as she puts Meng's file aside. Originally if I had any medical records I would have had a better diagnosis. Shinobu says as Meng side-eyes the file. But for some reason, your recent medical history disappeared. Would you care to explain how Mr. Sikanu? Shinobu asks Meng as he stares at her. I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking of me. Meng points out as the two remain silent.

Shinobus smile remains the same while her dark and threatening presence grew. All while Mengs druzy and baggy eyes stared back at her. Well even if you don't know, I can still guess from the information your friend told me and the events of the fight. Shinobu points out as Meng twitches his eye. Clever bitch. Meng mutters under his breath as Shinobu tilts her head. What was that? She asks as Meng shots his head up. I got an itch. Meng says as Shinobu stands up and was looking at a book.

She then picks one out and sits back down. Believe it or not I value you Meng Sikanu. Shinobu says as Meng's face remains the same. Even though we can't find any information about you, I put my trust in you because you are now one of us. Shinobu says as she was turning some pages. Even though you've killed more humans than any other demon in this Era. Shinobu says as Meng was shocked. I Don't know why, but all I know is that you turned a new leaf and I want to help you with that. Shinobu says as she sets the book aside after finding the page.

Her eyes were now looking into Meng's soul as she continues. Even if it means you are no longer working as a demon slayer. I want to give you and Kasa an opportunity for a normal life. Shinobu says as she pokes Meng's head. But you can't take care of Kasa unless you take care of yourself. Shinobu says as Meng only glares at her with his dark baggy eyes and a bottom Haze of blue starting to appear.

What will happen to Meng, Why is Shinobu trying to make him quit, why was Wolf sick? Guess we just got to stick around to find time.

(End of theme)

Be continued

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