Chapter 23: The bullying problem and what boys do in the locker room .

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No one's Pov.

As Meng was sitting on a rooftop with his knife in hand, he had a small flashback of his day at the doctor's. Shinobu and Meng got off on a bad start but Meng only sits up and put his biker jacket on. Sorry but if all I'll be getting is a lecture, I might as well take on scar face again. Meng says as Shinobu sighs. You are a difficult child you know that? Shinobu points out as she stares at Meng. A lot of Demon slayers die, but a small amount retires due to serious injuries that cannot be healed that easily. Shinobu points out as Meng only groans in irritation.

Shinobu then pokes her head as she went on to explain. Tell me Sikanu-san. How many times have you been hit in the head? Shinobu asks as Meng's glare remains sharp. That isn't important. Meng says as Shinobu sighs. You don't think your health is important? Shinobu asks as Meng had feint memories of him receiving different amounts of head damage. If you go on with that much of a critical condition, then you are putting everyone at risk on a mission. Shinobu states as Meng grits his teeth. If there is something wrong with you, I suggest you stop hunting demons and focus on living a simple life. Or I can give in this report and have the leader of the corps take away your license and Kasa by force. Shinobu suggests as Meng remains silent.

Surprisingly enough he was getting calmer and even smiled. Ok...ok I'll stop. Meng says nonchalantly as Shinobu was surprised. He'll while I'm at it, I'll tell you what I've been thru, I'll even allow someone more responsible to look after Kasa. Meng says as his eyes grew dark, then slowly had a bottom red haze. But only on one condition. Meng says as Shinobu shrugs. Sure, go ahead. Shinobu responds, expecting nothing big.

Ill stop As soon as you stop injecting wisteria into yourself like some druggy.

Meng stated as Shinobu was finally caught off guard. He knew exactly what he was doing, just like he knew how to play it in his favor. Yeah even though you all covered up I can tell that you would constantly inject it in your left arm. Meng says as Shinobu looked a bit angry. What a hypocrite, everyone here is. Meng mutters in disappointment as Shinobu was silent. You say this moo-moo yang-yang bs about valuing my own health yet you dont value your own. Meng says as Shinobu remains silent while he takes the papers out of the file. So, what do you say bug, Do you still want to report my condition and say I'm unfit for battle? Meng asks as Shinobu grew a vein from her forehead. You are a little shit. Shinobu says as Meng formed a small wicked smile.

(A/N: Wonder where he learned that from)

He then holds it up and slowly crumbles it. You think you know me, yet it's obvious that you don't. But I guess you already placed a label on me. Meng says as he throws the paper away. So yeah, all you going to put in your report is nothing but a small headache from an unhealthy dose of some bullshit I've been receiving from others. Meng says as he starts to walk off. Or I can just put in a report, with evidence about the walking purple poison hazard. Meng states as he was about to leave. How do you know I won't just go ahead and spill the beans? Shinobu says as Meng taps the door a bit.

An old acquaintance of mine once said that humanity is strong when something is temporary. Yet it will make you weak if you hold on to it for to long.

Meng says as he glares back at Shinobu. That wisteria poison may not be the cause, but just like me, I know that something out there is preventing you to stop what your doing. Meng says as he looks back at Shinobu and shows a smile. Hey don't get all mad now. I still value your medical profession. So I'll be careful for a bit. Meng says as he was now walking out while waving. And if you want to chat someday, I know a good soup shop around here. The owner will hook us up. Meng says as he walks out and leaves Shinobu in silence.

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