Chapter 19: Blades can cut skin, But his words always hurt the heart.

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No one's Pov.

As a man in a black long sleeve with a broken limb was running down an alley, Meng Sikanu was slowly catching up to him with his crowbar dragging and scrapping thru the halls. His eyes filled with bloodust as he takes out his knife and throws it at the panicked man's knee caps while causing him to tumble and fall to the ground. *WOOSH* AHHH *CRASH*. But Meng wasn't letting him go as he proceeds to throw the man thru a wall his eyes is flaring a vicious blood red. H-HELP, SOMEONE HELP ME!! The man yelled as Meng was aproaching and is now standing over a fearful person as he looks down on him with red glowing eyes. P-please *shutters* spare me. The man begged as the black samurai puts its hands on Mengs shoulder as it's eyes glowed red as well. All while Meng holds up a blood stained crowbar as the man closed his eyes in fear.





The sounds of Mengs heavy breath filled the room as he was hanging over a beaten up corpse. Now he was planing on leaving, but a shadow apeareed behind him as Meng drawed his pistols and points it at a smilling man. Oh Meng. The familiar voice calls out as Meng turns to the last person he wanted to see.
I'm so happy you've made your choice clear.
Mast-...Akumu. Meng corrected himselfas he holds on to his bloody crowbar. What are you doing here? Meng asked as he looks at the man who had a gentle smile while raging with a Sinister energy.
I cant wish my favorite son a Merry Christmas?

Akumu says with a smile as Meng had his gun pointing at him. Aww come on, it's the holidays. Why are you being such a buzz kill? Akumu asked with a cheery smile as Meng kept his composure. Plus, I just came by to see you. But by the looks of- shaddup. Meng demanded as Akumu raised a brow. This isn't what it looks like. Meng explains as the corpse with a regenerating head was standing itself up. raaaaAa-*Bang*. But Meng ended the demon by shooting a wisteria bullet in its chest while still facing Akumu. I guess so. Akumu says with a smile as he had his hands in his pockets.

He then signals Meng to come to him as Meng takes out his knife from the disintegrating corpse. Holding it firmly while getting ready to kill. Oh please, you especially know how this ends if you even try to punch me. Akumu says with a smile when making quick slices across his chest with his finger. The signal made Meng shiver as he just slolwy puts away his weapons and slowly walk up to Akumu. Mengs eyes that were once filled with bloodlust was now just drained, while Akumu hovers his hand over Mengs head to remove the red hood as he proceeds to rub Mengs hair.

The sinsiter energy was now gone as It was replaced with a gentle caring feeling, as Akumu looks at Mengs exhausted eyes with a frown while taking off his red face mask. I think its time you get proper rest. Akumu suggested as Mengs blank and tired face just respectfully nodded. He didn't show signs of himself being obnoxious or impulsive when it came to this man. It was like seeing a totally different person walking beside the worst person in this world as they went to get something to eat.
As morning came and the city streets were filled with people, we see Himari walking wolf down the street as she happily walks by a couple of windows selling different kinds of hoods. Maybe Meng would like these? Himari asked herself as Wolf tugs on the leash. Okay, okay, we will go home. Himari chuckles as she runs with wolf. Then after half an hour, Himari looks ahead to see a set of two familiar faces. One of them almost resembling her face as she runs up to them with a smile. You guys are back! Himari says as she hugs Cho while wolf was chewing in a confused Akio's boot. It took awhile but we managed to catch a free train at 3am. Cho points out with a smile. Himari then notices Cho's slightly long hair as she raised a brow. Cho, what happened to your hair? Himari asked as Cho eyes widened. Oh, I lost my hair band so I couldn't tie it back up. Cho says as Akio shrugs. Honestly I think ya look better like this. Akio admits as Cho smiled a bit.

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