Julieta Headcannons

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Didn't think she was the pretty Madrigal

Didn't have any boyfriends because she was busy and responsible and often seen as boring

Was best friends with Felix outside of her siblings and she meddled to help get them together

Agustin was her first boyfriend.

Bad with hair styles.

Good with makeup.

Liked to kiss booboos.

Avoided Agustin as best as she could for a while cause his mother died of something that she couldn't heal, the first instance of that happening.

Her room is a pantry with an actual bed in the corner

Was seen as the caring triplet

Gets quiet when she's upset

You know she's upset/mad when she doesn't talk to you

Bad with eye contact

Oftentimes forgets to eat herself unless someone is there to remind her too

Morning person

Whacked people who bullied her sister and brother with a skillet

Was the golden child before Isabela

Afraid of the river because she was the one who heard her mother cry at night about what happened to their father.

Not organized. At all. Agustin keeps their room clean

Always wanted to be a wife and mother

Likes the cold.

Doesn't get cold, like she has her own heating system

Did not know how to flirt, neither did Agustin so it worked out

Came up with Hernando for Bruno to cope with it, also came up with Juanita for Pepa to be able to let her emotions freely and Carmen for her to be allowed to be grumpy

Has a good poker face

As a teenager often had little kids pressed into her side because she gave off a comforting vibe.

And often gave them food.

Smells like spices and fresh baked food

Arepas are her favorite foods so she makes them the most.

Was pressured by Abuela to have another child after Mirabel but she gave her mother the silent treatment for two months after she implied that her daughter needed to be replaced.

Did not like Mariano because she could tell Isabela did not like him like that.

Now that he's dating Dolores she actually likes him a little better. 

Has a hard time reading but no one wanted to tell ALma there was something not perfect about the original perfect child.

Only Pepa, Bruno, Felix and Agustin know how much she still sometimes struggles.

Never swears, often says Pepa swears enough for the both of them and then some.

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