Good Tia/Mama Julieta

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She knows every one of the grandkids favorite foods and makes sure to make them on days she feels they are working to hard. It's her way to help them out since she's too afraid to stand up to her mother.

Every kid tries to hide an injury or sickness from her, and they never make it more than ten minutes. Luisa holds the record for longest time being the full ten minutes before her mother shouted for her, Mirabel holds the record for the shortest time, being thirty seconds after a sneeze.

It was not an uncommon sight to see one of the kids hanging on her asking her questions while she cooked, Camilo being the only one to actually ask questions about the food instead of whatever popped into his head.

She has attempted to teach every one of the kids how to cook, no matter how much they burn things.

She was known as mini mama to her sister and brother when she was younger, and it just increased over time.

She operates by the rule "When the children hug her, she is the last one to let go."

That means after Mirabel's ceremony she did not let go of her daughter the rest of the night.

She could probably carry every one of the grandkids, except for maybe Luisa. She loves to carry them.

She'd give one of the kids a chore and would always reward them for accomplishing it or even help them.

She is a sucker for the puppy dog eyes.

Mirabel, Luisa, and Isabela thought their mama had magic kisses as well as magic food because the kisses distracted her from the pain.

She never lies to a child, just makes the truth child friendly.

She knows when someone has a nightmare and she makes sure to make a special breakfast for them the next day.

She knew that Mariano and Isabela were not going to be a match, she knew Isabela didn't like him, and was reminded of how her mother treated her and Felix. But Isabela wouldn't listen to her when she said she could walk away from it.

Always has an arepa or a baked good on her that's free to give to an extended hand, whether or not they are hurt.

Hugs and food, they cure everything when it comes to her.

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