Incorrect Quotes Again

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Isabela: "What are you two gonna do, annoy them into talking?"

Mirabel and Camilo: Haha..."

Mirabel and Camilo later, Mirabel playing the accordion and Camilo singing: "1, 2, 3, 4 ahhhhhh."

Later, Camilo to Mirabel: "Didn't work, did not work."

Mariano: "Alright give me your hairdryer."

Dolores and Mirabel: "What?"

Mariano: "Don't you guys carry one in your purse?"

Mirabel: "Have you ever meant a human woman?"

Mariano calls Isabela: "Do you carry a hair dryer in your purse?"

Isabela: "Of course, I'm not an animal."

Dolores:   "Camilo, lying only works on Tio Agustin."

Camilo: "Halloween is so stupid, dressing up, pretending to be something your not."

Antonio: " shapeshift."

Mirabel: "I need dating advice."

Mariano: "Just because I'm dating Dolores doesn't mean I have any idea how I did it."

Antonio: "What would you say if I came home with three more rats?"

Pepa:  "What's in the box?"


Pepa: "What's in the box Tonito?"

Bruno, also holding a box. "I think you know."

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