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Camilo: Performs a one man musical in town at least once a week

Mirabel: Sings as she does her chores

Luisa: Doesn't usually find time to sing, but occasionally will sing a lullaby to the donkeys to try and convince them to stay in the pen, (it mostly doesn't work but she loves those creatures so she's not that annoyed)

Antonio: Prefers being sung to than singing but still likes to sing for seemingly no reason.

Dolores: Mostly hums, not wanting to add her own voice to the noise, but sometimes in her room, she sings softly to herself.

Isabela: Always is dancing when she sings, never is able to sing and stay still

Felix: Sings the lullabies to his wife or his children if they need comfort

Bruno: Doesn't sing by himself, thinks he's bad at it. He'll sing if there's not a good chance you'l make his voice out.

Agustin: Mostly plays the piano to accompany anyone else who sings

Julieta: She was the one who sang the lullabies to her children while Agustin played the piano, and she sings as she cooks.

Alma: Stopped singing for a while after Pedro, used to sing a lot, then it was just a lullaby to send her children to sleep, even now she sometimes can't sing because she remembers Pedro saying he loved her voice.

Pepa: Doesn't care who hears her sing.

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