Camilo AUs

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Some of these are well known and some of these I made up, if you need me to explain I will.

Real Life: Member of a well off family of famous people, a child actor, who loves to act, but doesn't so much love all the gossip blogs and newspapers spread about him since he was five which was when he got his first gig.

Reverse: Antonio's gift and Julieta's kid

Harry Potter: Griffindor. He was kind of like Harry, split down the middle between the two and because his prima who he liked to mess with was in Slytherin he asked if he could be somewhere else. And he was put in Griffindor. A metamorphagus.

Hero: He would be called Chameleon. He'd be able to copy anyone's appearance, voice or if their heroes, superpowers, so his suit doesn't really matter, but it's bright yellow because it's his favorite color and printed with chameleons. 

Mermaid: A freshwater mermaid. He has siren abilities but doesn't use them very much, instead preferring to get attention by leaping out of the water and being the source of sailor's monster sightings.

Apocalypse: He'd survive. Especially if you have his siblings or Mirabel under his care.

Soulmate: Hetereochromia AU, where one eye is his soulmate's eye color until you meet them. He would never be able to shapeshift it away and once he figures out why, he'd be worried that he's making it confusing for his soulmate since he can change the color of his other eye easily. 

Bruno took Mirabel:  He wouldn't remember Mirabel, except he'd remember her enough he'd know they were close. So she kind of became an imaginary friend to him that does talk back to him through the walls. Both of them think the other is imaginary except Camilo's surprised he still can talk to her at fifteen when most imaginary friends are outgrown long before then.

Mirabel's dead: He'd run away. Or try to. Exhaustion would overtake him and his mama and papa would find him to bring him home and he wouldn't eat for a while, trying to live in denial that he would eat when his best prima was alright. Antonio helps break him out of it. 

Monster: He is a changeling. His actual form resembles that of a life size wooden doll, but he likes to entertain the human their familia raised by taking on different forms so he does. He likes it when she tells him that his real form is her favorite though. Just a confidence booster.

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