Agustin AUs

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Some of these are well known and some of these I made up, if you need me to explain I will.

Real Life: Married into a well off family of famous people, tabloids said he only married the former doctor because he always got into accidents, but Julieta shut that down quickly on live TV.

Reverse: He knows his wife wants to be the picture of happiness and he works really hard to keep her that way, making sure no one brings up her sister but also trying to be there for his brother in law left alone to raise the three girls and wonder what he did wrong to cause his wife to leave.

Harry Potter: Hufflepuff. He is a muggle born Hufflepuff so when Pureblood Julieta Madrigal started going out with him, it caused some controversy. Luckily, thanks to the Madrigal Triplets, everything was solved pretty quickly. 

Hero: He would be the guy in the chair for the superheros. You know, the character in comic books that stays behind, speaks through a comm link to the heroes about where to go? That'll be him.

Mermaid: A human that was lured to his death by Julieta but thanks to her magic, was turned into a freshwater merman. It's a secret that those two will carry to their graves, all anyone else in the family knows is he's not a siren. Or a shark finned protector.

Apocalypse: He would not survive on his own, unless Julieta pulled the self sacrificing card, then he would work really hard to make sure no one else he loved had to die, to make sure his beloved did not die in vain.

Soulmate: Feel each other's pain. He would always be accident prone and every time after he realized the few times he felt pain that didn't come from him being clumsy, he would mutter an apology. He muttered an apology in line for Julieta's stand and that's when things clicked. He got quite a lecture, and a hug from it, so he was pretty sure everything was okay between them.

Bruno took Mirabel: He would encourage his children to take breaks, stand up to Alma more than he did before Mirabel left. Almost as if he thinks if he stands up to Alma more now, it'll somehow bring his daughter back to him. He runs the stand and deters people who come only with a tiny cut or something. When no one is at the stand, he talks to Mirabel as if she was right next to him, helping him.

Mirabel's dead: He'd have to be the strong one. His wife would be frantic and run away, thankfully to be found by Bruno and brought back, which would lead him to look after Isabela and Luisa, and he does, making sure Alma does not get to close. He'd even snap at her when she tries to say Mirabel's name, blaming her for the fact that the house fell and his youngest is dead.

 Monster: He was a human, but the witch in the house fell in love with him, so when he died in an accident, she brought him back to life. Now he's a zombie, and he was the human's biggest supporter when she asked if she could go to human classes like most people her age.

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