Which Madrigal Are You Quiz?

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1. Do you like dresses?

  A. Yeah but I never get a chance to wear them. 

  B. I like them if they twirl

 c.  They can;t be too long and the can't be too short and they have twirl and...

 d. Nothing too frilly but yeah, I do

e. If they're my favorite color

F: They are a perfect canvas!

G: I like dresses, I just like it when other people wear them

 h: Depends on the dress

 I. No

J. Occasionally

K. Their clothes...

L. Sensible ones, nothing too frilly

2. Favorite Disney Movie other than Encanto

 A. Hercules

 B. Dumbo

 c.  Frozen

 D. Brave

 E.  Princess and the Frog

 F. Tangled

 G. Luca

 H. Sleeping Beauty

 I. Oliver and Company

 J. Lion King

K. Beauty and the Beast

 L. Snow White

3. Love language

 A. Acts of service/Physical touch

 B. Words of Affirmation

 C.  Physical touch

 D. Quality time

 E. Receiving gifts

 F. I have to pick one?

 G. In between quality time and physical touch, though acts of service is good too

 H. Physical touch and acts of service, with the occasional words of affirmation

 I. What's a love language

 J. I'd say any of them sound good

 K. Are you asking me how i show love or how I want others to show they love me...

 L.  Acts of Service

4. Pick A Quote

 A. Be a warrior not a worrier

B. I'm not fragile like a flower, I'm fragile like a bomb

 C. I like storms, they let me know that even the sky screams sometimes

 D.  Clever as the devil twice as pretty

 E. I'm afraid because I know I can't fight forever

 F.  Don't spend time beating at a wall, hoping for a door

 G. Until you are Broken, you don't know what your made of

 H. Your attitude determines your direction

 I.  Sometimes a hug is worth a thousand words

 J. If you don't know the whole story, shut up

 K. Family isn't who your born with, it's who you die for

 L. Sometimes you don't realize your drowning when trying to be everyone else's anchor

 Results will be posted in the next chapter!

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