Which Madrigal are you Results

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Mostly A's: Luisa

You are always ready to help people, but you forget what the difference between selfish and self care is. Put your own needs above others wants and don't be afraid to ask for help.

Mostly B's: Dolores

 You're very quiet and are often praised for not making a fuss. This does not mean you should take everything lying down though, you do have a voice and don't be afraid to use it.

Mostly C's: Pepa

 Your the emotional one of your family/friends, but there's nothing wrong with that, if something makes you so mad you want to throw something or break something, let it out, it's better in the long run.

Mostly D's: Isabela

You feel like everyone expects you to be someone your not, but you want to be the exact opposite. Don't be afraid to sometimes break the rules, or at the very least break the expectations.

Mostly E's: Julieta

 You are everyone's mom. That is great, but sometimes you forget that you need care too, don't neglect yourself in trying to make sure everyone else is okay.

Mostly F's: Mirabel

 You are not sure of who you want to be yet and need to learn that there's nothing wrong with that, it's okay not to have all the answers about yourself right now, find friends and family to stand beside you.

 Mostly G's: Agustin

 You tend to be over eager, but you also worry that that will come across as annoying so that combo makes a mess usually. Relax and don't worry so much about what other people think of you.

Mostly H's: Felix

 You are everyone's friend, but don't think that means you can't let the less than happy side of you out among your own friends, both sides are you, don't forget to embrace them

Mostly I's: Antonio

 You like to be around people for a certain amount of time, but then you need to recharge, usually with a nap or stuffed animals or real animals, anything to calm you down. Don't neglect the recharging.

Mostly J's: Camilo

 You are the one that makes everyone smile, you do whatever they want you to because you don't like negative emotions. Learn to say no, learn to let people know what you want to do when asked.

Mostly K's: Bruno

 You are afraid that each mistake you've ever made makes you a bad person, lose that line of thinking, and if you need friends to help you do so, there's no shame in that.

Mostly L's: Alma

 You tend to hold on to bad things and not talk about it, pretend that your fine no matter what happens. It will eat away at you, and affect your relationships, so talk to someone about it...

This is just for fun! Don't get mad...I would like to see your results...

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