Mirabel Headcannons

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Sisters used to call her Mira pre gift ceremony

Thought Camilo was her twin (totally on board with that.)

Antonio refuses to accept she's not his sister and actually his prima. They've stopped trying because their such a close family it doesn't really matter.

Got green glasses to "match" her tio bruno's eyes when he did visions because she thought it looked the coolest.

Definitely a believer in the "Mirabel is the next miracle holder" theory

Refused to leave Casita for two weeks after her ceremony.

Refused to talk to Casita for one week after her ceremony.

Was Abuela's favorite until after the ceremony.

Wanted to prove herself so badly that she often wouldn't register the pain from any injury she got while trying until later.

When Antonio was four he made sure to follow her around when she did that and notice the injuries for her.

Isabela, Luisa, and Mirabel all had a sleepover in Isabela's room the night of her ceremony.

Favorite flowers are daffodils.

I could definitely see her trying to pull a "your my favorite family member" to anyone she wants something from. She did it with Dolores in the movie after all.

Tends to eat more at dinner than she does at breakfast.

Would run to one of her sister's rooms if she had nightmares, pre ceremony.

Post ceremony she'd stay in the nursery but either Dolores or Casita would alert her parents to it.

Used to claim Luisa read the best stories and Isabela sang the best lullabies.

Made everyone's favorite outfits.

Tends to "motor-mouth" when she gets excited.

Used to bite her nails.

Pepa helped her break the habit.

Mama's girl.

Loves the dark!

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