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In I guess a sort of Modern AU, what books I think they would consider their favorites.

Alma: I feel like even in a modern AU, she would go for the classics, like Little Women or Jane Eyre, and be the relative that insists you should read more classics than the newer stuff.

Julieta: She mostly reads cookbooks but I imagine her liking the Cookbook Nook series, it has recipes, is about cooking, and is a mystery all rolled into one. But she goes at her own pace through them, using the excuse that she's too busy to read much but in reality it goes back to my headcannon of her having trouble reading.

Agustin:  He would mostly read joke books or have Julieta read aloud whatever she's in the middle of reading while she heals him.

Pepa: The Fault in Our Stars, be prepared for a lot of rain when she reads it, even though it's her favorite she does not have the emotional strength, and the Encanto doesn't deserve to put up with the rain from it, more than once a month.

Felix: He'd read kids books to the kids but he'd also enjoy romance stories, although his favorites are not the tragic ones. I don't tend to read romance novels so I can't think of one off the top of my head, but I do know the genre he'd enjoy.

Bruno: Well let's just begin with no mysteries whatsoever, they tend to get too dark too fast. He'd like Harry Potter but then he'd have a vision regarding the final book and that would spoil it, so he never would have actually finished it. I think he'd also like Percy Jackson and take extra care not to have visions regarding that series.

Isabela: Hunger games. It surprised people that that's her favorite series, growing up she made sure to hide it behind a romance novel she stole from her Tio or a classic she stole from her Abuela. Once she's free to live her life she now is free to read it out in the open.

Dolores: Five feet apart. Like mother like daughter with tragic romance stories apparently. At least she doesn't cause rain when she rereads it, although she does cry. The pages are tear stained.

Luisa: She can't handle tragic romance like Pepa or Dolores, or something as dark as the Hunger Games, it gave her nightmares when she tried to read it. her favorite books are, and don't laugh at her for this, Magic Tree House. Innocent and happy, she always had time to read at least one of them even when her chores were too much. Now that she has free time to read longer books, she doesn't because that series holds a soft spot in her heart.

Camilo:  Once he brags his favorite was War and Peace and Abuela didn't even believe that he actually read that. In reality, he likes graphic novels, his most recent favorite being Zita the Space Girl, although (privately after the movie) Abuela considers those books trash.

Mirabel: It shifts. She's read everyone's favorites at least once and has found something to appreciate about them all, and she also reads kids books to Antonio, (and she also finds comfort in them sometimes before the movie, shh...) but the favorite she always comes back to is Divergent.

Antonio: Put me in the zoo or I wish that I had duck feet. 

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