Cousin Meeting Time

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This is something my siblings and I do so...

Cousin Meeting is basically when the grandkids want to meddle but they know the adults will keep them from meddling.

So what do they do? Meet up in one of the rooms and plan.

It turned into occasional therapy sessions post movie, but for the most part it's plotting schemes.

The most popular rooms to do this in are Dolores', soft because of the carpets and curtains that provide soundproofing, and Mirabel's post movie.

The least popular ones to do this in are Antonio's, too many animals and too easy to get lost, and Camilo's, Luisa says all the mirrors freak her out.

Any grandkid can call a cousin meeting time, and usually when they are the ones that call it, they do it in their rooms.

 Also the ones that call it are the ones in charge of the meeting.

It's a great time to plan birthday surprises.

Isabela keeps trying to make seating charts for it but Camilo and Mirabel usually end up sprawling wherever they want to and luisa doesn't have the heart to move them.

The adults suspect they do something like this, but they never catch them in the act.

Pepa, Julieta and Bruno used to have Triplet meeting time, and still do post movie though theirs is way more often therapy sessions.

 Camilo always refuses to focus on the scheme unless there's some snacks involved.

 Whoever called the previous meeting is in charge of making sure there's enough refreshments there. 

Mariano gets roped into these meetings post movie.

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