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A/N, I'm back!

How they would enter a room

Camilo: He would make some sort of big entrance. It changes every time

Mirabel: Normally, unless she's really excited about something and the door is shut, then she kicks it open, only then apologizing to Casita out of fear of hurting it.

Dolores: No one saw her enter, no one saw her leave

Luisa: Surprisingly quiet, not as quiet as Dolores' but still quiet

Isabela: She still likes the swing, but she doesn't draw everyone's attention to her on purpose anymore

Antonio: He rides on the jaguar and has at least three other animals somewhere near him

Bruno: He kind of slips in behind someone 

Felix: Joyous proclamations

Pepa: A twirl or a dance if she's in a good mood, stomping in if she's in a bad mood

Agustin: A crash

Julieta: Usually singing something softly under her breath

Abuela: Serious and at attention, almost like a soldier.

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