Chapter 1

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A red sun starts to set on the horizon behind a multitude of destroyed buildings and homes. The streets of New York City were filled with cracks and missing chunks of pavement. Cars of all shapes and sizes were destroyed and scattered over the remains of the great city. Bodies of everyday people laid scattered all over the place, motionless. There was hardly anyone alive in sight of the decimated city.

Except for one person.

Spider-Man hobbled out of some rubble, with a massive headache and a severely damaged suit. "Who was it that knocked me out?" he asked himself, until he stopped to see the carnage surrounding him. "Well whoever did that, they did a massive number on New York." he added.

Then he suddenly heard a low groan from somewhere behind him. He turned towards the sound and followed it. The maker was a man dressed with a blue suit with a red cape, which was somehow wrapping itself around the man.

"Strange!" Spider-Man called out, running towards the fallen hero. He then noticed that his suit was drenched in blood in the area of his stomach. "Strange, come on now, stay with me!" Spider-Man said.

Strange only turned to Spider-Man and said, " Or she'll.......come for you.....too." And those were the last things he uttered out before his eyes closed and he let out one last exhale.

Spider-Man looked down in sorrow at the loss of his friend, but that sorrow was quickly replaced by alertness as his spider sense went off. Then he could hear something behind him. Something that sounded like it was gliding through the air.

He turned to see a beautiful woman with red hair, a dark red headpiece, and a dark red dress hovering right above him. Her hands were emitting a bright red light, and looking closer, it seemed that the tips of her fingers were jet black. This was Wanda Maximoff, aka: the Scarlet Witch.

"I don't suppose we could talk this out." Spider-Man said, slowly rising to his feet.

Scarlet Witch said nothing. Instead her eyes lit red, and the next thing Spider-Man knew, he was instantly overwhelmed with a giant wave of bright red chaos magic.


Peter Parker jolted awake, breathing heavily. Looking around, all he saw was his run-down apartment room. nothing there appeared to have a trace of damage.......or at least by any new damage that wasn't there before he arrived. It took a minute but his breathing had steadied once he realized it was just a nightmare.

"That wasn't real." he told himself. "You're just overreacting Pete."

One thing that plagued his mind though was why was he dreaming about the Scarlet Witch? And why now? He couldn't help but feel like something drastic was gonna happen, and that it would involve both himself as well as her.

This would be just one of the many things that plagued his mind over the last few weeks. Ever since Mysterio exposed his identity, both positive and negative thoughts and experiences had been introduced into his life. Especially what that Jameson said about him just after Aunt May died.

"When will people wake up and realize that everywhere Spider-Man goes, chaos and calamity ensue? Everything Spider-Man touches, turns to ruin. And we, the innocents, are left to pick up the pieces."

That quote, as much as Peter hated it, did indeed feel true. He was responsible for everything that had happened with those villains. Including his Aunt May. And the more he thought about it, the more he came to a horrible realization that due to him, other lives, especially the ones he cares about the most, are endangered.

Every enemy he has ever made has threatened the lives of his family and friends. From Vulture, to Mysterio, to the Green Goblin. Because of his actions, they were all endangered.

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