Chapter 17

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Wanda was now on the ledge of a snowy cliff, still dressed in her Scarlet Witch attire. And she was currently balling her eyes out in her hands. She felt lost. Overwhelmed. Guilt-stricken. 

She could not believe what she just did. Agatha may have set her up, but she was the one who ultimately harmed those men. That was the type of behavior she did before. The same behavior that she did while she was corrupted by the Darkhold.

But the thing she's not sure if she's fully free of the Darkhold.

She looked down at her hands in despair. They looked just the same as they did the last time she looked at them. And that just proves that the corruption was still present. She sighed as she looked down in frustration.

"Who was I kidding? I'm no hero." she sobbed. "Maybe I really am the enemy."

More tears came down her face, and she wiped them away. She felt absolutely lifeless at the moment. Before she had a whole bunch of reasons to be excited. She felt more alive than ever, despite all that she had been through. And now there was just absolutely nothing inside of her. No joy, no excitement, no anger, just.......nothing.

She had to admit that it was times like these where she wished she did have Peter beside her. But she knew that was the last thing she needed at the moment. Anther reminder of her constant inner battle within herself for if she should act on her feelings or continue to fight them. Of course the other inner battle going on inside of her was whether or not she should want a second chance after what she almost did to America. What she did to those people in Westview. Sitting here now, the answer seemed clear as day to her.

Hell no.

Someone like her does not deserve a second chance. But it gave it to her, and she screwed it up. So now she's where she belongs. In total isolation.

Wanda sighed once more, until something caught her eye from the right side. It was hard to tell due to the amount of snow clouding her vision. But it seemed to be a figure of some sorts. A human shaped figure. And it seemed to be getting closer.

Squinting her eyes, Wanda could make out the silhouette of a man. But this man was floating in the air......and it seemed that he had a cape flowing off of him.

'No! It can't be!' Wanda said, getting up as the figure finally showed itself through the snow.

"Vision?" she asked as the white Vision hovered right in front of her. He looked just the same as he did the last time Wanda saw him in Westview. But this time, his eyes looked like they did before he died. They weren't completely blue like they were when he nearly crushed her head. They were the same eyes that she was accustomed to seeing.

"Wanda." Vision said in the all-too-familiar mechanical voice.

"What......what are you doing here? And how did you find me?" Wanda asked, overwhelmed at the moment. She didn't dare try to make any move what-so-ever to Vision since she still didn't know where he stood in terms of her. For she knew he might just be here to try and crush her head again.

"I've.....been traveling around. Thinking about a lot of stuff. When all of sudden, you teleport out here, right in front of me." Vision said.

"Are you.....gonna try to crush my head again?" Wanda asked with caution.

"That is no longer a required action for me to perform." Vision said. "I have had my memories restored since I was last in Westview. I remember everything Wanda."

"Y-You.......You do?" Wanda asked, hopeful. She then got up and started getting close to Vision and put her hand on his cheek. But he stood there and did nothing. He remained emotionless as she did.

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