Chapter 12

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A red sun rose on the horizon, casting its light on a field of spooky-looking dead trees. And in the middle of that field stood two figures. One was Doctor Stephen Strange, who had a stern look on his face as he looked at the figure across from him. And that second figure was none other than Wanda.

She walked right up to Strange and said, "Return to Kamar Taj and prepare to hand over America Chavez by sundown.......peacefully. After'll never see me again." the she started to walk away from Strange.

"And if we don't?" Strange asked. Wanda let out a sigh as she did not want this to happen. Never the less, she turned and looked at Strange once more to answer his question.

"Then it won't be Wanda that comes for her. It will be the Scarlet Witch." she said.

Then the image changed once more. Wanda was now hovering above the Kamar Taj right in front of Strange, full of fury. A bunch of warriors and sorcerers were right behind him, with their weapons drawn, and aimed right at her.

"Sending those creatures after her instead of myself was mercy. And in spite your hypocrisies and insults, I have begged you to safely get out of my way. You have exhausted my patience." Wanda said. Then she sighed as she went on. "But I do hope you understand. That even now, what's about to happen.....this is me......being.........reasonable."

Then multiple images appeared in the blink of an eye. Wanda attacking Strange, her destroying the Illuminati, her torturing the remaining students at Kamar Taj, her throwing Wong off the mountain, her trying to take America's powers, and the look of fear on her son's faces.


Wanda's eyes snapped open and she sat up. The nightmare she just had was one of the worst that she had ever experienced. The reason being is because that wasn't just an ordinary nightmare. That was a reminder of what she had actually done while being corrupted by the Darkhold.

She put her face in her hands and shook her head at her own actions. It's been weeks since those events occurred and still it bugs Wanda to this day.

'Why shouldn't it?' she thought to herself. 'This is the price of the actions that I had committed.'

She then looked down at her still black fingers. The blackness may be fading away at long last, but it's still present. And as long as it stays there, it is a constant reminder to Wanda of her past. She sighed as she got out of the covers of the bed.

It was quite nice of Peter to offer her his bed last night. But where was he sleeping now?

She went out of the bedroom to find out that Peter was not sleeping. In fact he was on the couch, holding her guitar in his hands. He slowly but surely was starting to play a song that she had already played for him. It was apparent that he was trying to not break anymore strings, which she deeply appreciated.

She just leaned on the doorway and watched as he played his song. A smile emerged on her face the longer he went on. He messed up a couple of times and re-did the song. But once he finally played the song entirely without any mistakes, she applauded him.

Peter's head snapped up at the sudden noise. " long exactly have you been standing there?"

Wanda chuckled at his surprised and embarrassed expression. "About twenty minutes." she said, causing Peter to dip his head a little bit. "You're really improving. I'm impressed." she added.

Peter blushed at her compliment. "Well........I had a great teacher." he replied. Now it was Wanda's turn to blush.

"You know, when you're playing, your hand seems to be in an awkward position. You're gonna strain it if you keep doing it like that." Wanda observed.

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