Chapter 3

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Spider-Man sat on top of a tall building, surveying the scene in the cold and dark night. After he had left the shelter earlier in the day, he figured it was time for hero patrol. And so far, it has been a completely quiet hour in the city.

Maybe his luck was finally changing.

Then a loud crash and a car horn could be heard from down the street, and Spider-Man dipped his head down with a sigh.

"Every time." he muttered out, before swinging into action.

The flashing red and blue lights alerted the web head where the criminals were. Clearly, based on the way the lights were moving in the distance, the criminals were in a car. Soon enough though, Spider-Man caught up to the scene and swung over to the car in front.

"You guys must really wanna end up on driver's ed videos!" Spider-Man said, grabbing one of them out of the car and webbing him to the building.

"Spider-Man?! Shit! Take him out!" a crook said.

"Take him out? Good idea!" Spider-Man said, grabbing another crook from the car and webbing him to the wall. He then flung the last criminal out and webbed him to the wall before flipping himself right in front of the car. Two web lines zipped right out of his hands and attached to the surrounding buildings. Using all of his strength, he pushed on the car to stop its momentum. Within a few seconds, the car's momentum had finally ceased. "Well that was a great warm up exercise. Thanks boys!" Spider-Man called out to the nearest thug.

But the thug grinned at the hero before saying, "You lose Spider-freak!"

"Uh this is coming from the one who is currently webbed to the building. How could I be the one who-" Spider-Man started to say, just before his spider sense started to kick in.

"Ha ha! Now we've got you Spider-punk!" said another gruff voice behind him. Spider-Man turned around to find the owner of the voice. There were seven guys with knives or guns in their hands standing there, ready to brawl.

"Wow!" Spider-Man called out. "Your friends cause a crime to lure me here so you can beat me up? Which one of you was the great mastermind behind this plan?"

"Get him boys!" one of the crooks shouted. Then all  the thugs with knives charged at the webbed head while the two with guns stayed back.

Spider-Man shot webs at the guns and yanked them away from the thugs. "Now what did I tell you young men?! No guns until you served your five years of prison!" he quipped, sounding like a father figure.

The fist thug came swinging at Spider-Man's head, which he ducked under and punched the thug in the gut. The next two thugs charged at him at the same time. But Spider-Man shot a trip mine web, which caused a web line to attach to the two thugs, pull them together and then ensnare them in a giant web.

"Fellas! There are children here! Save the cuddle fest for later!" Spider-Man quipped.

The next three thugs tried swiping at the hero, but Spider-Man dodged all of them effortlessly by flipping over the thug in the middle and sending two kicks to his back to knock him out.

"Really got a kick out of that one!" Spider-Man quipped. Then he shot a web at the second thug and with one punch, he was out cold. The he jumped into the air, shot webs at the sixth thug and with one punch and a kick, he was out cold. "They're so cute when they're incapacitated!" he commented.

"Hey!" the last thug shouted, running to the webbed head.

"Ah welcome to butt-kicking class! Pay close attention now young pupil!" Spider-Man quipped as he yanked the knife out of the thug's hand. Then he shot a web at the guy's hand, and attached the other end to the pole on his left side. Then he did the same thing for the other guy's hand on the other side onto a wall. Then for the cherry on top, he shot webs at the guy's pants, and pulled them down, revealing his boxers. "Class dismissed!" Spider-Man called out with a small waive to the angry criminal.

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