Chapter 20

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Peter was marching his way towards the Bugle with a deep frown on his face. And in his hand, there was a folder containing all of the proof he needed to debunk the false photo.

The thought of Brock having the nerve to do this was already crazy. What made it worse was that Peter had experienced this exact type of thing before. It felt like an endless tunnel of shaming and allegations and he was getting bombarded with question on if he killed Mysterio or not, or if he's a menace or not. It wrecked not only his life, but his friends' lives as well. It resulted in him losing everything and everyone he ever cared about.

All because of a lie.

And now someone else......someone he loves, is going through that same thing that he is going through. And that is one package that he refuses to accept.

He went right up to the Bugle and pressed the button on the elevator to go to the top floor where Jameson's office is. The moment that the doors opened and he rounded the corner, he faced none other than Eddie Brock himself. Peter had to resist the urge to punch him in the nose.

"Morning Parker." Brock said with glee. "Nice day don't you think?"

Peter forged a smile and said, "Yes, I suppose it is."

"Well may not stay that way with you. Because well........" Brock said, motioning to the far side wall. The picture was hanging on the wall as large as ever. "The Bugle has a new photographer."

Peter hid the fist he was making in his pocket as the picture came into his sights once again. "You took that picture huh?" Peter asked, as politely as possible.

"Yep." Brock said with pride.

"Wow. It looks good." Peter said nodding his head, still looking at the photo. "Now if only it were real."

Brock blinked in confusion for a couple of seconds before turning back to Peter. "I'm sorry?" he asked.

"Oh yes. You are sorry Brock." Peter said, losing the politeness in his voice. "You're so sorry of a photographer that you've had to forge photos in order to get people to like them."

"What?! W-Wha.......I'm afraid that you're mistaken." Brock said, loud enough for the people all on the floor to hear. A bunch of set of eyes came and rested upon the pair in the hallway.

"Oh am I?" Peter said, opening the photo. He then showed the photo that Brock took himself, but with markings all over it. All of which showed the imperfections in the photo. And then behind there, there was another picture. It was a picture of the Scarlet Witch in a completely different environment, where she was using both of her hands to use her powers. And there was no one else in sight. That was the same pose that she had on when she was "choking" the guy in Brock's picture.

"Parker you are such a boy scout." Brock said in an unfriendly voice, not even bothering to try and deny it anymore. "And let's be honest, based off the rumors that have been flowing from Westview, this type of thing was bound to come up. Everyone knows she's a monster over there. All I'm doing is bringing it to light."

That just about did it for Peter.

He then grabbed the front of Brock's shirt and pinned him against the wall, hard. "Say that again, and see what happens." Peter said in a threatening voice. "Do not ever talk about the Scarlet Witch like that in front of me ever again, you understand me?"

Eddie gulped in fear as he got a look of at the serious look in Peter's eyes. Luckily for him, Robbie came by and placed a hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Peter, what are you doing?" he asked.

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