Chapter 19

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"The symbiote has escaped?!" Peter repeated loudly. Wanda's eyes snapped open as she digested what Peter just said. She sat up and watched as he paced inside of the room and out to the living room, before returning to the bedroom.

"Yes. And I have no idea where it could have gone to. I got to my office this morning and the container was completely destroyed and empty." Connors explained. "Peter it may be trying to find you again. You must resist it if it does. You know what will happen if you keep it."

"I understand Doctor Connors. Thanks for the call." Peter said, before hanging up the phone. "And just when I thought that black ooze was out of my life." he added.

"What are you going to do?" Wanda asked, giving Peter a worried glance. Peter was at a loss for words. What could he do to handle this?

"I really don't know." Peter said. "I guess the only thing we can do is to wait until the symbiote finds me again."

"You're gonna bond with it again?" Wanda asked disapprovingly.

"And get rid of it once and for all." Peter said. "It won't be the same as last time Wanda, I promise you that. Now that I know what it is, and what it almost did to me........I refuse to keep it."

Wanda regarded Peter for a couple of seconds before finally nodding her head. "Good." she said. "Because I don't think you or I can afford that black goo interjecting itself into our lives anymore."

"I only hope that it doesn't find someone else to bond with beforehand." Peter said, running a hand through his hair. "And if that person would be a total nutcase already without the suit........who knows what will happen once they bond with the symbiote."

"Well considering what you told me about the symbiote creating a bond of some sort, it more than likely will try to come back to you rather than find someone else. I mean if I was a symbiote that's what I would do." Wanda said.

"Either way it won't be pretty." Peter said, sounding more stressed out by the minute.

It broke Wanda's heart to see her boyfriend like this. So uptight and confused. And she could tell based on his body language that he was afraid. But she also knew that he was trying to hide it from her. 

Then an idea formed in her head, as she thought of a way to help Peter relax. She smiled and waived her hand. Red chaos magic appeared by Peter and caused him to levitate into the air.

"Wha.......Wanda......what are you.......doing?" Peter asked, completely still in mid-air.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you babe." Wanda said with a smile still present on her face. Peter's eyebrows rose at her little nickname for him.

"Then what is your plan?" Peter asked, as Wanda gently placed him back onto the bed so that he was once again laying down. She laid him on his stomach and then got on his back.

"Just helping you relax." She whispered in his ear, before giving it a kiss. She then started trailing kisses down his neck and to his shoulder, causing a groan to come out of him.

"Well you're certainly doing a wonderful job at that." Peter said, enjoying every second of what Wanda was doing. All the worries of the symbiote were instantly gone, and was replaced with nothing but pleasure and lust. "In fact......." He then turned over and pinned Wanda down to the bed. "How's about we pick up where we left off last night?" he asked with a roguish smile. Wanda copied his facial expression with a rouge smile of her own.

"I thought you'd never ask." she said. With that, the two locked lips and rolled off the bed, laughing all the way down to the ground.


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