Chapter 15

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"Well Doc? What do the tests show?" Spider-man said as he stepped out of the x-ray machine.

"It'll take some time for all the results to come in." Connors said. "But you gave me your number, so I'll call you when I have the results. All that I do know is that this very reminiscent of a symbiote, which needs to bond to a host to survive in an oxygen-rich environment. But I gotta figure out more about it, as well as why it chose you over anyone else."

"Alright Dr. Connors. You find out anything, give me a call ASAP." Spider-man said, heading out of the window.

"Will do!" Connors called out as Spider-man swung through the city.


Wanda stared at Agatha with narrowed eyes. She did not know how or when she got free from the hex that she trapped her in, but she knew that the only reason why she would be here is for her.

She didn't want to make a scene in front of all of these people in the shelter. But if Agatha struck first, then she'll do it.

Though much to her surprise, Agatha turned and walked out of the shelter doors. Wanda blinked in surprise.

She didn't try to attack her or talk to her or anything. All she did was grin and then walk away. Wanda rubbed her temples and went to another part of the shelter. More specifically the room she went to when she first met Norrie.

She took a long look at the room and remembered that day. She had come so far since then with Peter. And at the same time.......she felt like she was still stuck in the same place.

She walked over to the chair intending to sit down and calm her mind. But purple smoke suddenly clouded her vision and she felt herself being lifted off the ground, as the smoke continued to swirl around her. She couldn't see where she was being taken to, or if she was going anywhere at all. All she knew is this was definitely Agatha's doing.

Soon though, the smoke started to clear and Wanda could start to see her surroundings. All she could see was the sky at first. But when the smoke entirely disappeared, she could see that she was outside. And on top of a very tall building. More specifically, the building that used to be the Avengers tower. Wanda started panting in confusion as to why she was brought here of all places, when a voice caught her attention.

"Wanda." Agatha said, causing her to turn around. Agatha was in the same causal clothes that she wore at the shelter, and she was levitating a few feet of the ground. "Been looking for you for a while now." she added.

"How did you escape my hex?" Wanda demanded. Agatha quirked a brow and looked at her with a mischievous smile.

"Oh Wanda. There is so much you have yet to learn." she said. "Funny. You sound just as demanding as her."

"Her, who?" Wanda asked, getting more confused by the minute.

"Never mind." Agatha said. "I can tell we have already encountered each other, which is why you're so on edge with me."

"Well when you try to kill a person and take all of their power for yourself, you're gonna make an enemy." Wanda said, narrowing her eyes.

Agatha laughs and says, "You're talking to the wrong person Wanda."

Okay what the hell?

Wanda gave Agatha a confused glare. So Agatha continued. "You are making the mistake that I am the Agatha that you know. I am not." she said.

Wanda continued to be confused as she tried to wrap her mind around what she just said. But then it clicked inside of her head.

"You're from another universe! Aren't you?" she asked.

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