Chapter 7

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Norrie was helped into the ambulance shortly after the heroic couple found them. And now the heroic couple were in their casuals, watching them load her up. The sight stung deeply for Wanda since she was the one that convinced her to basically allow Peter into her life after she had lost everyone.

"I know her." Peter said. "She currently resides in the FEAST shelter. I've talked to her multiple times over the last few weeks after the.....spell." Wanda looked at him with a look of sorrow in response, which brought Peter to a realization. "You knew her too, didn't you?"

"Yes." Wanda said. "She was the reason why I changed my mind about us being friends. If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't be where we are today with each other."

Peter's eyes grew wide at Wanda's sentence. 'So she's the reason why.' he thought to himself. He often wondered who it was that offered that advice to Wanda. But now he knows. And more importantly, he knows who it was that attacked her.

"We have to get moving." Peter said.

"Why?" Wanda asked.

"Two reasons. One.....I have to go to work in the morning. And two....I have to make a cure." Peter explained.

"A cure?" Wanda asked, growing more confused. "You're not making any sense."

"Let's go back to the apartment and I'll tell you the rest." Peter said, looking around at the crowd. Wanda nodded her head in agreement. Once they arrived to the place, Peter then began to explain.

"So remember how I told you about the villains that came to this universe from other universes?" Peter asked.

"When you botched the spell?" Wanda asked. Peter put on a flat expression, much to Wanda's amusement.

"Yes. Anyways, one of the villains that appeared was the giant lizard." Peter said.

"A giant lizard?!" Wanda repeated.

"Yes. A man named Dr. Curt Connors used lizard DNA in an attempt to regrow his arm, which was blasted off in battle due to him being in the army. But in the process of doing so, he transformed himself into a giant lizard creature. And then he tried to turn the entire city into lizards. He would have succeeded if the Spider-Man in that universe had not stopped him." Peter elaborated.

"So you think that the Curt Connors in our universe has suffered the same fate?" Wanda asked.

"I'm pretty sure." Peter said. "Too bad I have no way of tracking him."

"Well at least you can make a cure for him." Wanda said. Then she saw Peter look at his Spider-Man outfit. "You need to dress as Spider-Man for this?" She asked.

"I need to dress as Spider-Man to go to the lab that I went to last time." Peter said.

Wanda then cleared her throat and her hand started to glow. "You know that I can take you there in a flash right?" She asked.

"Riiiight." Peter said, feeling stupid.

"Where do you need to go?" She asked.

"To my old high school. Midtown high." Peter responded.

"Oh, I know where that is. I passed right by it on my way to the resting place." Wanda said hesitantly.

"You mean to where you set the tent up?" Peter asked with a quirked brow. Wanda looked away with a slight blush.

"Yeah." she said. Peter chuckled.

"Well okay. Can you take me there right now?" he asked. Wanda then turned around, silently grateful that he had decided to move on from the tent topic.

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