Chapter 13

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Spider-Man and Scarlet Witch tracked the Black Cat into a nearby jewelry store. Spider-Man then went to the vents on the top of the roof and turned to Wanda.

"Now this is my own little entrance into places like this. But I doubt the two of us will be able to fit in here together." he said.

"Does it go straight down?" Scarlet Witch asked. Spider-Man then pulled the vent cover off and looked down. It did indeed go  straight down. "Ah, so it shouldn't be a problem." Scarlet Witch added, before jumping down into the store. Spider-Man followed after her.

The two were instantly met face to face with the Black Cat, who was getting some of the diamonds out of one of the glass shelves. "Well, well, well. What have we here?" Spider-Man called out, catching the attention of the crook. "Back to your old tricks?"

"Hello Spider. I'm liking the new suit." Cat said with a seductive smile. And then she noticed Scarlet Witch beside of him. "And I see you brought some assistance this time. But I would have much preferred it be just you and me Spider."

Both the heroes indicated seduction in that tone of voice from the Black Cat. Spider-Man just shrugged it off. Even though she was very beautiful and he was flattering, he was already dead set on Scarlet Witch, whether she knew it or not. Scarlet Witch on the other hand started to develop a scowl on her face. Something about the way she spoke to Peter riled her up inside.

"Appreciate the comment. But I prefer women who aren't criminals." Spider-Man said. He then shot a web in Cat's direction. Black Cat somersaulted over the web and landed on top of one of the shelves.

"Oh? Well I would be more than happy to give you a new perspective. If you're open to it." Cat said with a large smirk.

"Shut up." Scarlet Witch said, waiving her hand and sending Black Cat into the wall, hard. Then as Scarlet Witch advanced on the Black Cat, Cat sent a cloud of dust in her direction as a distraction. When the dust cleared, Cat was nowhere to be seen.

Out of instinct, Spider-Man went back to the vents before she could escape one more. It turned out to be a good move because he could see Black Cat running towards that place just after he got there. She stopped in her tracks and looked up at Spider-Man.

"Is the Scarlet Witch your girlfriend Spider?" she asked.

"Uh...." Spider-Man hesitated, but was cut off.

"That's none of your business." Scarlet Witch snapped, charging at Cat. Cat flipped over her and shot a claw at her to grab her.

Scarlet Witch was then slammed onto the floor and then thrown to the far side of the store. Filled with anger, Spider-Man sent webs to the Black Cat and webbed her feet to the floor. Then he jumped down to the floor as Cat started swiping her claws at him. Spider-Man easily avoided the claws and grabbed one of her arms and threw her to the other side of the store.

"Wasn't very nice Cat." Spider-Man said with narrowed eye lenses.

Cat instantly got up and smirked at Spider-Man. "Clearly you haven't figured it out by now. I don't qualify as a nice girl."

She then running at the webbed hero, who then started charging right at her as well. But as he got closer, Black Cat jumped on top of him and used him as a launching pad to get to the vents. The action would have been successful had she not been halted in mid air by red energy surrounding her.

She looked down to see the Scarlet Witch was back on her feet, with a deep scowl still evident on her face and her hand outstretched and glowing red. The then moved her hand downward and sent Cat flying across the store and slammed her into the wall. And then she sent her into another wall, followed by another wall, before throwing her onto the floor in front of Spider-Man.

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