Chapter 5

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Spider-Man blinked twice at what she had just said. "You'd like us to be friends?" he asked. Wanda nodded her head in response. "But wait......I thought you said that you weren't ready for a connection with someone right now."

"Well, I did get some good advice since then. And it got me thinking long and hard about a lot of things." Wanda replied. "How I have looked at my past relationships.......I'm gonna be honest, it's been awful. I've only remembered the losses, and the pain that I have felt at their losses. But I have recently learned that is not a reason to let people in. I just have to be grateful for the time I shared with those people while they were in my life."

"Hm. Wise words." Spider-Man commented. Wanda couldn't help but be a tad bit amused at the fact that she was talking to someone with a mask on. "What's so funny?" he asked.

"I'm sorry. It's just.......I just have a hard time having a serious conversation with a guy in a mask. I can't see your reaction to things." Wanda said with a small smile.

Spider-Man shrugged. "Fair point. Let's find somewhere more secluded." he said.

"We could go to the shelter." Wanda suggested.

"Not a good idea." Spider-Man suggested with a smile. "The people may be wondering why Spider-Man is suddenly in the FEAST shelter. And to be honest, I'm not entirely sure that the public is entertained by me much."

Wanda gave him a perplexed look. This was the man who was supposed to be the next Tony Stark, or at least she had heard of. But why would they not like him? That question could be asked another time though.

"" Wanda thought to herself. "You have a place of your own?" she asked.

"Yeah. We can go there." Spider-Man said, starting to walk over there.

"I can teleport us you know." Wanda said, her hands glowing red once more.

"Well yes but the one knock you know where to go?" Spider-Man asked, turning around to her.

Wow. Wanda did not think about that at all. She shook her head no. "Good point. Lead the way." she said.

With that Spider-Man took off, with Wanda riding right behind him.

Soon enough they got to the apartment building where Peter lived. Spider-Man strategically landed on the building across from the apartment, where he could see his window. He then turned to Wanda.

"So it might be odd to see two super-powered individuals enter a window together. My apartment has a window on this side. Once you see me go in," Spider-Man started to say.

"I teleport in after you." Wanda finished for him.

"Exactly." Spider-Man nodded. He then turned and crawled onto the wall and entered the apartment through his window. He was about to lock the window when he saw that Wanda had already gone.

"Nice little place you got here." her voice came from behind him. Spider-Man turned to see Wanda standing there in her causal clothes.

"Wow, you nearly scared the pee out of me!" Spider-Man said, locking the window, pulling the curtains over it and taking off his mask.

"Sorry." Wanda chuckled.

"Let me change into my casuals in my room real quick. Then we can talk." Peter said, going to his room and closing the door.

While Wanda waited, she looked around to see the little area where Peter called home. It wasn't that big, but it seemed very cozy. Looked a little old, but she wasn't exactly expecting a top notch place.

She then saw on the desk a little tiny figure of some gray person in a dark cloak. And it seemed like he had electricity coming out of his hands. His "C" shaped hands to be more exact.

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