Chapter 11

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Wanda was tossing and turning on the couch in her sleep. She wasn't having any nightmares this time....for once. In fact she wasn't able to have any sleep what-so-ever. For some reason she could not get any sleep tonight.

And then a small creaking sound and a gust of cold wind caused her to snap her eyes open. What was going on now?

She got up, turned on the light and looked around the living room area to get her answer. As far as she could tell, everything was the same as it was when she went to sleep. There was nothing out of place, and the window was closed.

'Maybe something slipped and made that creaking sound.' she thought to herself. 'But what about the gust of cold air?'

She then looked at the thermostat. Since it was in the winter, the heat was blowing. Granted it was set to a low temperature, but not low enough to where she would be shivering. She then glanced in the direction of Peter's bedroom. The door was open so she could make out what was going on inside.

The bed sheets were messy and there was no Peter laying in there. And what was more interesting was that the window in Peter's room was wide open. That deduced where the gust of cold wind came from.

Wanda looked at the clock. It was 2:28 am. Why would Peter just get up and go out the window at this time? A deep feeling of worry arose in her stomach at the thought of Peter mysteriously disappearing in the middle of the night.

Something wasn't right.

Wanda then teleported herself out of the apartment and started to fly through the city in search of Peter. She cared not how tired she was, or how odd it would be to see the Scarlet Witch flying in the streets at this time and in her pajamas. All she cared about was finding Peter and making sure he was safe.


"What in the actual fu-" a car horn had blared it's horn loudly as Spider-Man finished that sentence.

Spider-Man was as confused as ever. How in the world did he end up in the middle of Times Square, hanging upside down in a new black costume? Was this Wanda's doing or something?

Or what about that thug that looked at him with the gray eyes. Was this his doing?

'Just appreciate the suit Parker.' said a voice in his head. Normally random thoughts don't appear in his head like this. So it was a little perplexing.

Spider-Man jumped from the web to stick to the wall right-side-up. He then got a better look at the suit that he was wearing. He had to admit, he looked good. "Wow......this actually isn't a bad look. And this suit......feels good too!" he commented as he noticed how soothing the suit felt on him.

'Well let's see how the suit holds up.' he thought to himself as he looked down to the streets. He then jumped off the building into the sky. "Woah!" Spider-Man shouted as he noticed how high he was going. He was going almost as high as the empire state building! and he was on the lower part of one of the buildings!

He shot a web and swung to the next building at a much fast pace than he was used to. 'Unbelievable!' he thought as he landed onto the nearest building.

"I nearly went as high as the empire state! I never could jump like that before! And then the web swinging speed was phenomenal!" he said to himself. Then he looked down at the suit in realization. "This new suit has upgraded all of my powers! I wonder if it has done anything to my strength."

He then noticed a large mack truck below him and looked around to see if anyone was in sight. He sung down and walked up to the truck. He squatted down and started lifted the truck with relative ease.

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