Chapter 22

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"Try some deep breaths! In, out, in, out!" Spider-Man swinging away from another attack from Agatha. She sent another blast of purple magic in the web swinger's direction. Spider-Man dodged the attack and shot a web line at her. He then yanked himself towards her, preparing to punch her, only for her to simply waive her hand and he was sent sideways.

Thinking quickly, Spider-Man shot a web at a nearby pole and used it to swing around and hurl himself back towards Agatha. He hit her in the back with both of his legs when she was trying to follow his movements, and sent her into the building in front of her. Spider-Man then shot two webs at her, flipping mid air, to cause her to be air born, and then he slammed her onto the roof of the same building.

"That was for Wanda." Spider-Man commented, remembering what she put Wanda through the day that they got together. Agatha slowly started to get to her feet with a frown on her face.

"I had forgotten your strength." Agatha said. "Too bad it won't save you here." She then sent wires at Spider-Man in a blink of an eye, and Spider-Man only had a moment to react before they reached him. Fortunately, due to his spider speed, he managed to escape the attack and attach to the wall of a nearby building.

But Agatha teleported closer to him and held Spider-Man up in the air before slamming him to the roof. She then pinned him down by his neck with one hand while he was recovering, while her other hand glowed purple once more, when she was suddenly surrounded by red energy, lifted high into the air. Agatha and Spider-Man looked around to see the Scarlet Witch hovering beside them with her arm outstretched and a deep scowl on her face.

"Hands off!" Scarlet Witch said, before she slammed Agatha right through the roof of the building.

"Took you long enough." he said to the Scarlet Witch who hovered over him.

"Is that the symbiote?" Scarlet Witch asked with disdain and disappointment evident in her voice.

"Wasn't my choice." Spider-Man said raising his hands in surrender. "It was the extra suit in my closet."

"You're gonna have to elaborate some more." Scarlet Witch said with a confused look. But the purple energy building up in the hole where Agatha fell through snapped her back to reality. "Later." she added.

"Right." Spider-Man said, getting into his fighting position. Agatha then rose from the giant hole with her hands glowing purple.

"Wanda, so glad that you could join us." Agatha sneered at the Scarlet Witch. "Injure anymore construction workers since we last met?"

Scarlet Witch scowled and sent a crate towards Agatha. But she simply moved it out of the way. Spider-Man then charged at her, but she blasted him with purple energy and he fell back onto the ground below them. Filled with rage, Scarlet Witch sent Agatha flying to the ground, hard. She knew very well that she couldn't send energy blasts at Agatha, for she would just absorb it. So she had to be more mindful about her attacks.

So far picking her up and slamming her around seemed to be working just fine.

She then hovered down to where Spider-Man was getting up. "She really packs a punch doesn't she?" he asked.

"You have no idea." Scarlet Witch said as Agatha got up once more.

"Aw, my favorite couple of all time! So cute! Too bad it won't last. Just like it didn't in my universe." Agatha said.

"You mentioned that your Spider-Man was dead!" Spider-Man said. "I'm willing to bet that's why it didn't last."

Scarlet Witch looked at Spider-Man with wide eyes and then looked back at Agatha. "You killed him didn't you?!" she roared.

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