Chapter 2

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Peter exited the elevator inside of the Daily Bugile and looked around. It was a little bit less of an office type environment than he expected.....which was good. The Daily Bugile is not exactly his number one choice for a job, especially after the Mysterio incident. But it was a job that would help him pay his rent, and that's what counts.

"Are you Mr. Parker?" A female voice said behind him. Peter turned to see a young woman with short black hair and a small friendly smile on her face.

"Uh yes! Yes I am." Peter said.

"I'm Brianna. I'll be escorting you to Mr. Jameson's office." She said.

"Okay, thanks Brianna." Peter said with a smile.

Brianna led Peter through the halls of the Daily Bugile. He received so many smiles and waives from the people, that he had almost forgotten that this was the same company that tarnished his name weeks ago.


"Mr. Jameson." Brianna said once they had entered an office on the far side of the room. "Mr. Parker is here."

Jameson looked up with a tired and grumpy expression at Brianna, before looking at Peter.

"Hello Mr. Jameson." Peter said with as friendly of a smile as he could muster.

After a second or two of silence, Jameson said, "Well, are you gonna sit down and show me your portfolio or did you come to waste my time?"

"Oh, r-right." Peter stammered, hurrying to the seat that was in front of the black desk, and taking a seat. He then handed his portfolio to Jameson, who took a quick look at all of the pictures. "So Mr. Jameson, I would like to know. What do you think of my pho-"

"They're crap." Jameson said, cutting him off. "Crap, crap, mega-crap." he continued, flipping through the pictures.

'Well that's nice.' Peter thought to himself.

"Why take pictures of a fire hydrant, a bus and a trash can? I can go outside and see those things every time I turn the corner." Jameson asked.

"Oh......well I just thought that it would be a nice warm up to practice and I thought I would just make the best of my surroundings." Peter replied. "I just was more focused on the quality of the pictures I guess."

"The quality of the pictures are fine, it's the subjects that are crappy." Jameson said, packing his pictures back in its portfolio. The phone on his desk suddenly started to ring. "What?!" he roared.

"Mr. Jameson. Your wife is on the phone she wants to-" A female voice started to say, but Jameson picked up the phone and slammed it back down.

Peter thought better to speak about that call....or at all until he was spoken to. Clearly this Jameson is as much of a bundle of sunshine as a rabid dog.

"So what the hell is it that you were thinking of doing?" Jameson asked.

"Well I was thinking of a job as a full time photographer sir. I love taking pictures of different things." Peter said.

Jameson examined him for a few moments. "Uh-huh. And how old are you?" he asked.

"I am 18 sir." Peter said.

"Full time ain't the job for you kid. Freelance is a better option for a kid your age." Jameson said, handing him back his portfolio. "I tell you what. You seem to be a good and honest kid. We'll give you a call within the next few days and let you know our decision. Now out you go."

Peter was then led out by Jameson himself, silently grateful that the interview did not go any worse than it already did. 'Wow, I didn't know he was this much of a grouch!' Peter thought to himself as Brianna lead him out.

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