Chapter 16

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Scarlet Witch teleported to a construction area. That is exactly where the magic trace led her to. And then she looked all around her to see if there were any wards. Not one single purple ward was in sight. Only problem, Agatha herself wasn't in sight either.

She looked left and right and found nothing. She sighed and was about to head out of the area, when suddenly.....

"Wanda dear!" Agatha's voice came from behind her. Wanda whipped around and looked in that direction. Sure enough, there was Agatha with a dark smirk on her face. "I knew you'd come."

"No wards?" Scarlet Witch asked, her hands glowing red, ready to defend herself.

"Not today. No I have something very special planned for you deary." Agatha said, her hands starting to glow purple.

"Whatever it is, I won't fall for it." Scarlet Witch said.

"It won't be a matter of choice. But I assure you that you will fall for it." Agatha said.

"Why so confident?" Scarlet Witch asked.

"Fighting someone is easy.....when they're already fighting themselves." Agatha replied. Scarlet Witch narrowed her eyes at the witch in front of her. "It's written all over your face Wanda. I don't know exactly what it is, but I can tell it's eating you alive."

Scarlet Witch immediately knew what it was that she was talking about. Her constant battle with her feelings about Peter is still driving her mad.

"You're right. I am conflicted right now." Scarlet Witch said. "I'm conflicted whether to trap you in a hex, just as I did to my Agatha. To send you back to your dimension and let your Wanda deal with you instead. Or just to kill you here and now."

Agatha still retained her smirk as her hands started glowing purple. "Come give it a try then." she said. Scarlet Witch then leaped into action.


Spider-Man swung all over town and looked for any trace of Wanda. So far, he had found nothing but dead ends. But it didn't matter. He'll look all night for her if he had to in order to ensure she's safe.

'Oh why put up with this for long? She isn't worth it in my perspective.' the voice said in his head. 'We could be doing a lot more entertaining things with people who actually like who we are.'

Spider-Man stopped in his tracks as he felt his level of anger increase. 'You listen to me right now!' he thought to himself. 'I don't wanna hear another insult come out of you about Wanda! She is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I'll be damned if I hear anyone, and I mean anyone, talk about her in a disrespectful way like you are now!'

'Someone's grown a backbone.' the voice said smugly.

Spider-Man was about to respond when the phone in his mask started to ring.

"Spider-Man? Can you hear me?!" the voice said through the line.

"Doctor Connors?" Spider-Man asked. "Did the tests come through?" he asked.

"Yes. But you need to come to my office. Now. This is a matter of life and death." Connors said.

Spider-Man hesitated. For he wanted to go and find Wanda. Even though he said it was a matter of life and death, he still was gonna go and find the woman he loves. He was about to decline the offer, when some strange sounds were heard from the other side of the building he was on.

He jumped up and, much to his luck, Scarlet Witch was there, battling with Agatha. Red and purple spells were cast back and forth with each other. And Scarlet Witch seemed to be holding up her own against Agatha.

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