Chapter 21

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Wanda was at the shelter, telling some of the children some stories about her time with the Avengers. She had a bit of spare time to burn while Peter was on patrol. And helping here also means that she can get rid of those black fingers of hers some more.

"I think that will be all for today kids." Wanda said. The collective "Awe's" made her smile at them all. "Next time I'll share some more stories with you." she added.

This caused the kids to cheer up as she walked out of the room and headed into the hallways with a smile on her face. She had forgotten how good it felt for her to be around kids. All the fun times she had with Billy and Tommy were starting to come to her head once more, and an involuntary smile appeared once more on her face.

She passed by the room where she first met Norrie and peered inside for a moment or two before continuing on. She really had come a long way. Back then she was a nervous wreck, trying to ensure her corruption would not harm anyone else. And she could not trust herself to be around people for a very long period of time.

Now though, she's a changed woman. She had regained her confidence, her sanity, her morality had been restored, and best of all, she had a loved one waiting for her when she got home. something she had been deprived of for years. And she had no intention of that changing anytime soon.

She spotted Norrie talking to some people on the far side of the shelter. Norrie saw her out of the corner of her eye and sent her a quick waive before returning to her conversation. Wanda smiled and waived back at her before continuing on.

She was incredibly grateful that she came into that room and talked to her that day. She had offered her so much wisdom and knowledge, and if it weren't for her, she would not be where she was right now. She would still be suffering.

As Wanda was reminiscing about where she was in her life right now, a strange feeling suddenly stopped her in her tracks. she could sense something was off. She hadn't gotten that feeling since.........

With that Wanda instantly teleported out of the shelter, reappearing outside of the building in her Scarlet Witch attire. She then followed her gut and flew off into a random direction of New York.


Spider-Man was swinging through the city peacefully. In fact, this has been the most peaceful he has been in a mighty long time since.......well since after his incident dealing with the Vulture and aunt May finding out about his life as Spider-Man. He has the girl he loves, and some, not a lot, but some of the New Yorkers are starting to warm up to Spider-Man again. A lot of them probably still believe Mysterio when he framed him for his death. But All he can do now is to continued to do what he's been doing and prove the doubters wrong.

"A quiet city as.....nope. Don't say anything Parker." Spider-Man scolded himself as he landed on a rooftop. "You'll jinx it the second you say something."

Spider-Man then let his mind wander to other things. For one thing, the extra suit hanging in his closet was odd. He checked with Wanda just before she left for the FEAST shelter earlier that day, but she said that she had nothing to do with that extra suit.

So if she didn't do it, who did?

And which suit was it?

For all he knew, the suit could be part of some scheme by someone to find out where he lives or who he is. But then again, that wouldn't be necessary since they managed to get it into his closet beforehand. It was all very confusing.

Before he could ponder about it some more, the distant sound of gun shots drew him out of his thought bubble. Spider-Man then swung after the noises and found some thugs in a shootout with the police. There were quite a bit of thugs present, which would explain why they would be willing to be in a shootout with the cops.

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