Chapter 14

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"Peter, what the hell were you thinking back there?! You nearly killed him!" Wanda said. The black suit dissolved into Peter's skin, leaving him with his casuals on.

"It wasn't my first call. I was only trying to stall him until you came." Peter said. "It wasn't until he threatened you that I suddenly snapped."

"But Peter that's not you! You were never about killing or brutalizing someone! But now as of late, that's exactly what you have been doing! Earlier tonight before we came across Black Cat, we were stopping a car heist and you nearly crushed one of the thugs on purpose with the car they took. Then during a store heist, you punched a guy so hard that you practically broke his jaw! And now this with the lizard?! You've been much more brutal and bitter as of late Peter! You've even been short tempered with me at times!" Wanda explained.

Peter opened his mouth and closed it as he thought about what she had said. It was true. He had been stopping himself from doing some of these acts that he normally wouldn't do since he got the new suit. Maybe she had a point.

'She has no point. She's just being a wuss.' the voice in his head said. Peter flashed a look of anger as he looked away from Wanda.

'Don't call her that!' he said in his head. Wanda was suddenly curious as to what he was doing now. It was like he was thinking of an angry moment or something. so she decided to investigate and read his mind.

'It's evident she's been on your ass ever since I joined you.' the voice in his head said. 'She is unwilling to see that we have a different way of serving justice! We are the lethal protector!'

"Who's that speaking?" Wanda asked, finally hearing the voice in his head. Peter's head snapped in her direction as he realized that she read his mind.

"I......don't know. He won't tell me who he is." Peter said.

"When did this voice start coming into the picture?" Wanda asked.

"Around the time when I got the black suit." Peter replied.

Wanda then began to speculate.

"Peter.......I think that voice talking......just might be that new suit." she said. "And I think that is what is causing you to be more violent."

Peter rose his eyebrows at the statement. A suit that can make him more violent with a mind of it's own? It seemed crazy. But then again Mr. Stark's suit at times had a mind of its own to some degree.

"Think about it. That new suit comes out of the blue, then the violent attitude comes out, and this new voice appears in your head afterwards. It seems more than just a coincidence." Wanda said.

'Is she still reading our mind?' the voice said.

"Yes, I am." Wanda said, quirking a brow.

'Good. GET OFF OUR CASE! You've had it out for me the second that I arrived. Now back off!' the voice said.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?!" Wanda shouted, walking closer to Peter.

"I didn't say anything, he did." Peter replied, shrinking away from Wanda.

"I know, I know!" Wanda said. "Just tell him to pipe down."

'This is the girl you're in love with?' the voice said with a judgemental tone.

'Shut it!' Peter thought, before looking at Wanda again. She appeared to not have heard what the voice said, and had proceeded to pace the room. 'You're lucky she didn't read my mind!' he thought.

'It's already pretty obvious that you're crazy about her.' the voice said. 'She probably already knows.'

"Peter." Wanda said, walking back towards him. "I can tell that this new suit or voice or whatever it corrupting you. It's corrupting you to do more bad things, regardless if it's for the right reason or not. I of all people know and understand corruption at its worst, and I'm not about to let my friend follow the same dark path that I went down. The Peter I know would never commit violent acts out of nowhere. It just makes you look so........bitter at times. And I know that's not like you. You are not the monster that you thought you were when we first met. You claimed that all you did was cause destruction to everything you touch. And that you didn't form close relationships with people as a result. You're sweet, kind and considerate. Don't let.....whatever it is that is inside of you wreck yourself. Don't become the monster the haters are claiming that you are."

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